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Title: Sequence-specific minimizers via polar sets
Abstract Motivation Minimizers are efficient methods to sample k-mers from genomic sequences that unconditionally preserve sufficiently long matches between sequences. Well-established methods to construct efficient minimizers focus on sampling fewer k-mers on a random sequence and use universal hitting sets (sets of k-mers that appear frequently enough) to upper bound the sketch size. In contrast, the problem of sequence-specific minimizers, which is to construct efficient minimizers to sample fewer k-mers on a specific sequence such as the reference genome, is less studied. Currently, the theoretical understanding of this problem is lacking, and existing methods do not specialize well to sketch specific sequences. Results We propose the concept of polar sets, complementary to the existing idea of universal hitting sets. Polar sets are k-mer sets that are spread out enough on the reference, and provably specialize well to specific sequences. Link energy measures how well spread out a polar set is, and with it, the sketch size can be bounded from above and below in a theoretically sound way. This allows for direct optimization of sketch size. We propose efficient heuristics to construct polar sets, and via experiments on the human reference genome, show their practical superiority in designing efficient sequence-specific minimizers. Availability and implementation A reference implementation and code for analyses under an open-source license are at Supplementary information Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.  more » « less
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Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ;
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Page Range / eLocation ID:
i187 to i195
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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  2. Abstract Background

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  4. Abstract Motivation

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    Availability and implementation

    A python implementation of this method, CMash, is available at The reproduction of all experiments presented herein can be accessed via

    Supplementary information

    Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.

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  5. Abstract Motivation

    The minimizers technique is a method to sample k-mers that is used in many bioinformatics software to reduce computation, memory usage and run time. The number of applications using minimizers keeps on growing steadily. Despite its many uses, the theoretical understanding of minimizers is still very limited. In many applications, selecting as few k-mers as possible (i.e. having a low density) is beneficial. The density is highly dependent on the choice of the order on the k-mers. Different applications use different orders, but none of these orders are optimal. A better understanding of minimizers schemes, and the related local and forward schemes, will allow designing schemes with lower density and thereby making existing and future bioinformatics tools even more efficient.


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