- 10350541
- Author(s) / Creator(s):
- ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; more »
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- The Astrophysical Journal
- Volume:
- 934
- Issue:
- 2
- 0004-637X
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- 145
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Abstract The polarized images of the supermassive black hole Messier 87* (M87*) produced by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) provide a direct view of the near-horizon emission from a black hole accretion and jet system. The EHT theoretical analysis of the polarized M87* images compared thousands of snapshots from numerical models with a variety of spins, magnetization states, viewing inclinations, and electron energy distributions, and found a small subset consistent with the observed image. In this article, we examine two models favored by EHT analyses: a magnetically arrested disk with moderate retrograde spin and a magnetically arrested disk with high prograde spin. Both have electron distribution functions that lead to strong depolarization by cold electrons. We ray trace five snapshots from each model at 22, 43, 86, 230, 345, and 690 GHz to forecast future very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations and examine limitations in numerical models. We find that even at low frequencies where optical and Faraday rotation depths are large, approximately rotationally symmetric polarization persists, suggesting that shallow depths dominate the polarization signal. However, morphology and spectra suggest that the assumed thermal electron distribution is not adequate to describe emission from the jet. We find 86 GHz images show a ringlike shape determined by a combination of plasma and spacetime imprints, smaller in diameter than recent results from the Global mm-VLBI Array. We find that the photon ring becomes more apparent with increasing frequency, and is more apparent in the retrograde model, leading to large differences between models in asymmetry and polarization structure.
Abstract Very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) provides the highest-resolution images in astronomy. The sharpest resolution is nominally achieved at the highest frequencies, but as the observing frequency increases, so too does the atmospheric contribution to the system noise, degrading the sensitivity of the array and hampering detection. In this paper, we explore the limits of high-frequency VLBI observations using
ngehtsim , a new tool for generating realistic synthetic data.ngehtsim uses detailed historical atmospheric models to simulate observing conditions, and it employs heuristic visibility detection criteria that emulate single- and multifrequency VLBI calibration strategies. We demonstrate the fidelity ofngehtsim’s predictions using a comparison with existing 230 GHz data taken by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), and we simulate the expected performance of EHT observations at 345 GHz. Though the EHT achieves a nearly 100% detection rate at 230 GHz, our simulations indicate that it should expect substantially poorer performance at 345 GHz; in particular, observations of M87* at 345 GHz are predicted to achieve detection rates of ≲20% that may preclude imaging. Increasing the array sensitivity through wider bandwidths and/or longer integration times—as enabled through, e.g., the simultaneous multifrequency upgrades envisioned for the next-generation EHT—can improve the 345 GHz prospects and yield detection levels that are comparable to those at 230 GHz. M87* and Sgr A* observations carried out in the atmospheric window around 460 GHz could expect to regularly achieve multiple detections on long baselines, but analogous observations at 690 and 875 GHz consistently obtain almost no detections at all. -
The landmark black hole images recently taken by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) have allowed the detailed study of the immediate surroundings of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) via direct imaging. These tantalizing early results motivate an expansion of the array, its instrumental capabilities, and dedicated long-term observations to resolve and track faint dynamical features in the black hole jet and accretion flow. The next-generation Event Horizon Telescope (ngEHT) is a project that plans to double the number of telescopes in the VLBI array and extend observations to dual-frequency 230 + 345 GHz, improving total and snapshot coverage, as well as observational agility. The Large Millimeter Telescope (LMT) is the largest sub-mm single dish telescope in the world at 50 m in diameter, and both its sensitivity and central location within the EHT array make it a key anchor station for the other telescopes. In this work, we detail current and planned future upgrades to the LMT that will directly impact its Very Large Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) performance for the EHT and ngEHT. These include the commissioning of a simultaneous 230 + 345 GHz dual-frequency, dual-polarization heterodyne receiver, improved real-time surface measurement and setting, and improvements to thermal stability, which should enable expanded daytime operation. We test and characterize the performance of an improved LMT joining future ngEHT observations through simulated observations of Sgr A* and M 87.more » « less
Abstract The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) has produced images of the plasma flow around the supermassive black holes in Sgr A* and M87* with a resolution comparable to the projected size of their event horizons. Observations with the next-generation Event Horizon Telescope (ngEHT) will have significantly improved Fourier plane coverage and will be conducted at multiple frequency bands (86, 230, and 345 GHz), each with a wide bandwidth. At these frequencies, both Sgr A* and M87* transition from optically thin to optically thick. Resolved spectral index maps in the near-horizon and jet-launching regions of these supermassive black hole sources can constrain properties of the emitting plasma that are degenerate in single-frequency images. In addition, combining information from data obtained at multiple frequencies is a powerful tool for interferometric image reconstruction, since gaps in spatial scales in single-frequency observations can be filled in with information from other frequencies. Here we present a new method of simultaneously reconstructing interferometric images at multiple frequencies along with their spectral index maps. The method is based on existing regularized maximum likelihood (RML) methods commonly used for EHT imaging and is implemented in the
eht-imaging Python software library. We show results of this method on simulated ngEHT data sets as well as on real data from the Very Long Baseline Array and Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array. These examples demonstrate that simultaneous RML multifrequency image reconstruction produces higher-quality and more scientifically useful results than is possible from combining independent image reconstructions at each frequency.