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Title: Vues: Practical Mobile Volumetric Video Streaming Through Multiview Transcoding
The emerging volumetric videos offer a fully immersive, six degrees of freedom (6DoF) viewing experience, at the cost of extremely high bandwidth demand. In this paper, we design, implement, and evaluate Vues, an edge-assisted transcoding system that delivers high-quality volumetric videos with low bandwidth requirement, low decoding overhead, and high quality of experience (QoE) on mobile devices. Through an IRB-approved user study, we build a f irst-of-its-kind QoE model to quantify the impact of various factors introduced by transcoding volumetric content into 2D videos. Motivated by the key observations from this user study, Vues employs a novel multiview approach with the overarching goal of boosting QoE. The Vues edge server adaptively transcodes a volumetric video frame into multiple 2D views with the help of a few lightweight machine learning models and strategically balances the extra bandwidth consumption of additional views and the improved QoE, indicated by our QoE model. The client selects the view that optimizes the QoE among the delivered candidates for display. Comprehensive evaluations using a prototype implementation indicate that Vues dramatically outperforms existing approaches. On average, it improves the QoE by 35% (up to 85%), compared to single-view transcoding schemes, and reduces the bandwidth consumption by 95%, compared to the state-of-the-art that directly streams volumetric videos.  more » « less
Award ID(s):
2106090 1901103 2106771 2128489
Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ; ; ;
Date Published:
Journal Name:
ACM MobiCom 2022
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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