A common explanation for negative user impacts of content recommender systems is misalignment between the platform’s objective and user welfare. In this work, we show that misalignment in the platform’s objective is not the only potential cause of unintended impacts on users: even when the platform’s objective is fully aligned with user welfare, the platform’s learning algorithm can induce negative downstream impacts on users. The source of these user impacts is that different pieces of content may generate observable user reactions (feedback information) at different rates; these feedback rates may correlate with content properties, such as controversiality or demographic similarity of the creator, that affect the user experience. Since differences in feedback rates can impact how often the learning algorithm engages with different content, the learning algorithm may inadvertently promote content with certain such properties. Using the multi-armed bandit framework with probabilistic feedback, we examine the relationship between feedback rates and a learning algorithm’s engagement with individual arms for different no-regret algorithms. We prove that no-regret algorithms can exhibit a wide range of dependencies: if the feedback rate of an arm increases, some no-regret algorithms engage with the arm more, some no-regret algorithms engage with the arm less, and other no-regret algorithms engage with the arm approximately the same number of times. From a platform design perspective, our results highlight the importance of looking beyond regret when measuring an algorithm’s performance, and assessing the nature of a learning algorithm’s engagement with different types of content as well as their resulting downstream impacts.
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Learning from a Learning User for Optimal Recommendations
In real-world recommendation problems, especially those with a formidably large item space, users have to gradually learn to estimate the utility of any fresh recommendations from their experience about previously consumed items. This in turn affects their interaction dynamics with the system and can invalidate previous algorithms built on the omniscient user assumption. In this paper, we formalize a model to capture such ”learning users” and design an efficient system-side learning solution, coined Noise-Robust Active Ellipsoid Search (RAES), to confront the challenges brought by the non-stationary feedback from such a learning user. Interestingly, we prove that the regret of RAES deteriorates gracefully as the convergence rate of user learning becomes worse, until reaching linear regret when the user’s learning fails to converge. Experiments on synthetic datasets demonstrate the strength of RAES for such a contemporaneous system-user learning problem. Our study provides a novel perspective on modeling the feedback loop in recommendation problems.
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- 10381240
- Editor(s):
- Chaudhuri, Kamalika; Jegelka, Stefanie; Song, Le; Szepesvari, Csaba; Niu, Gang; Sabato, Sivan
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Machine Learning
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- 25382-25406
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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