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Title: Local adaptation and archaic introgression shape global diversity at human structural variant loci
Large genomic insertions and deletions are a potent source of functional variation, but are challenging to resolve with short-read sequencing, limiting knowledge of the role of such structural variants (SVs) in human evolution. Here, we used a graph-based method to genotype long-read-discovered SVs in short-read data from diverse human genomes. We then applied an admixture-aware method to identify 220 SVs exhibiting extreme patterns of frequency differentiation – a signature of local adaptation. The top two variants traced to the immunoglobulin heavy chain locus, tagging a haplotype that swept to near fixation in certain southeast Asian populations, but is rare in other global populations. Further investigation revealed evidence that the haplotype traces to gene flow from Neanderthals, corroborating the role of immune-related genes as prominent targets of adaptive introgression. Our study demonstrates how recent technical advances can help resolve signatures of key evolutionary events that remained obscured within technically challenging regions of the genome.  more » « less
Award ID(s):
1627442 1920103
Author(s) / Creator(s):
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Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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  5. Alkan, Can (Ed.)
    Abstract Motivation

    Detection of structural variants (SVs) from the alignment of sample DNA reads to the reference genome is an important problem in understanding human diseases. Long reads that can span repeat regions, along with an accurate alignment of these long reads play an important role in identifying novel SVs. Long-read sequencers, such as nanopore sequencing, can address this problem by providing very long reads but with high error rates, making accurate alignment challenging. Many errors induced by nanopore sequencing have a bias because of the physics of the sequencing process and proper utilization of these error characteristics can play an important role in designing a robust aligner for SV detection problems. In this article, we design and evaluate HQAlign, an aligner for SV detection using nanopore sequenced reads. The key ideas of HQAlign include (i) using base-called nanopore reads along with the nanopore physics to improve alignments for SVs, (ii) incorporating SV-specific changes to the alignment pipeline, and (iii) adapting these into existing state-of-the-art long-read aligner pipeline, minimap2 (v2.24), for efficient alignments.


    We show that HQAlign captures about 4%–6% complementary SVs across different datasets, which are missed by minimap2 alignments while having a standalone performance at par with minimap2 for real nanopore reads data. For the common SV calls between HQAlign and minimap2, HQAlign improves the start and the end breakpoint accuracy by about 10%–50% for SVs across different datasets. Moreover, HQAlign improves the alignment rate to 89.35% from minimap2 85.64% for nanopore reads alignment to recent telomere-to-telomere CHM13 assembly, and it improves to 86.65% from 83.48% for nanopore reads alignment to GRCh37 human genome.

    Availability and implementation

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