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Title: MSIS‐UQ: Calibrated and Enhanced NRLMSIS 2.0 Model With Uncertainty Quantification

The Mass Spectrometer and Incoherent Scatter radar (MSIS) model family has been developed and improved since the early 1970's. The most recent version of MSIS is the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) MSIS 2.0 empirical atmospheric model. NRLMSIS 2.0 provides species density, mass density, and temperature estimates as function of location and space weather conditions. MSIS models have long been a popular choice of thermosphere model in the research and operations community alike, but—like many models—does not provide uncertainty estimates. In this work, we develop an exospheric temperature model based in machine learning that can be used with NRLMSIS 2.0 to calibrate it relative to high‐fidelity satellite density estimates directly through the exospheric temperature parameter. Instead of providing point estimates, our model (called MSIS‐UQ) outputs a distribution which is assessed using a metric called the calibration error score. We show that MSIS‐UQ debiases NRLMSIS 2.0 resulting in reduced differences between model and satellite density of 25% and is 11% closer to satellite density than the Space Force's High Accuracy Satellite Drag Model. We also show the model's uncertainty estimation capabilities by generating altitude profiles for species density, mass density, and temperature. This explicitly demonstrates how exospheric temperature probabilities affect density and temperature profiles within NRLMSIS 2.0. Another study displays improved post‐storm overcooling capabilities relative to NRLMSIS 2.0 alone, enhancing the phenomena that it can capture.

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Award ID(s):
2149747 2140204
Author(s) / Creator(s):
 ;  ;  ;  ;  
Publisher / Repository:
DOI PREFIX: 10.1029
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Space Weather
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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    Significance Statement

    Neural networks are used for many environmental-science applications, some involving life-or-death decision-making. In recent years new methods have been developed to provide much-needed uncertainty estimates for NN predictions. We seek to accelerate the adoption of these methods in the environmental-science community with an accessible introduction to 1) methods for computing uncertainty estimates in NN predictions and 2) methods for evaluating such estimates.

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