Numerical forecasts of plasma convective instability in the postsunset equatorial ionosphere are made based on data from the Ionospheric Connections Explorer satellite (ICON) following the method outlined in a previous study. Data are selected from pairs of successive orbits. Data from the first orbit in the pair are used to initialize and force a numerical forecast simulation, and data from the second orbit are used to validate the results 104 min later. Data from the IVM plasma density and drifts instrument and the MIGHTI red‐line thermospheric winds instrument are used to force the forecast model. Thirteen (16) data set pairs from August (October), 2022, are considered. Forecasts produced one false negative in August and another false negative in October. Possible causes of forecast discrepancies are evaluated including the failure to initialize the numerical simulations with electron density profiles measured concurrently. Volume emission 135.6‐nm OI profiles from the Far Ultraviolet (FUV) instrument on ICON are considered in the evaluation.
Measurements from the Ionospheric Connections Explorer satellite (ICON) form the basis of direct numerical forecast simulations of plasma convective instability in the postsunset equatorial
- Award ID(s):
- 2230365
- 10415850
- Publisher / Repository:
- DOI PREFIX: 10.1029
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Space Weather
- Volume:
- 21
- Issue:
- 5
- 1542-7390
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Abstract Using the newly developed, Multiscale Atmosphere‐Geospace Environment (MAGE) model, we simulated the penetrating electric field in the equatorial region under different interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) BZconditions during September 2020. Two intervals were selected for detailed analysis and the latter one was compared with the vertical ion drift data from the NASA Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON) satellite. The MAGE simulations show that in southward IMF (S‐IMF) cases, the dawn‐dusk electric potential drop at the equator is about 12% of the cross polar cap potential difference. Based on the MAGE simulation, the dawn‐dusk potential drop at the equator varies nearly instantaneously on the order of a few minutes with the changes in the IMF BZor interplanetary electric field, which in turn alters the vertical ion drift. The daytime changes of the equatorial vertical ion drift in response to the penetrating electric field related to the IMF BZare only half of that during the nighttime. ICON data, though not inconsistent with the simulation, were not able to verify the occurrence of penetrating electric field because of its unfavorable location at the time. The MAGE simulation shows a pre‐reversal enhancement (PRE) during southward IMF cases, but the PRE was absent in the ICON IVM observations. Further observations and modeling are needed to resolve this discrepancy.