- Award ID(s):
- 1813340
- 10473728
- Publisher / Repository:
- Elsevier
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Journal of Symbolic Computation
- Volume:
- 117
- Issue:
- C
- 0747-7171
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- 101 to 118
- Subject(s) / Keyword(s):
- Symbolic–numeric computation Polynomial systems Approximate roots Hermite matrices Certification
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Abstract An $n \times n$ matrix with $\pm 1$ entries that acts on ${\mathbb {R}}^{n}$ as a scaled isometry is called Hadamard. Such matrices exist in some, but not all dimensions. Combining number-theoretic and probabilistic tools, we construct matrices with $\pm 1$ entries that act as approximate scaled isometries in ${\mathbb {R}}^{n}$ for all $n \in {\mathbb {N}}$. More precisely, the matrices we construct have condition numbers bounded by a constant independent of $n$.
Using this construction, we establish a phase transition for the probability that a random frame contains a Riesz basis. Namely, we show that a random frame in ${\mathbb {R}}^{n}$ formed by $N$ vectors with independent identically distributed coordinate having a nondegenerate symmetric distribution contains many Riesz bases with high probability provided that $N \ge \exp (Cn)$. On the other hand, we prove that if the entries are sub-Gaussian, then a random frame fails to contain a Riesz basis with probability close to $1$ whenever $N \le \exp (cn)$, where $c<C$ are constants depending on the distribution of the entries.
We generalize Hermite interpolation with error correction, which is the methodology for multiplicity algebraic error correction codes, to Hermite interpolation of a rational function over a field K from function and function derivative values. We present an interpolation algorithm that can locate and correct <= E errors at distinct arguments y in K where at least one of the values or values of a derivative is incorrect. The upper bound E for the number of such y is input. Our algorithm sufficiently oversamples the rational function to guarantee a unique interpolant. We sample (f/g)^(j)(y[i]) for 0 <= j <= L[i], 1 <= i <= n, y[i] distinct, where (f/g)^(j) is the j-th derivative of the rational function f/g, f, g in K[x], GCD(f,g)=1, g <= 0, and where N = (L[1]+1)+...+(L[n]+1) >= C + D + 1 + 2(L[1]+1) + ... + 2(L[E]+1) where C is an upper bound for deg(f) and D an upper bound for deg(g), which are input to our algorithm. The arguments y[i] can be poles, which is truly or falsely indicated by a function value infinity with the corresponding L[i]=0. Our results remain valid for fields K of characteristic >= 1 + max L[i]. Our algorithm has the same asymptotic arithmetic complexity as that for classical Hermite interpolation, namely soft-O(N). For polynomials, that is, g=1, and a uniform derivative profile L[1] = ... = L[n], our algorithm specializes to the univariate multiplicity code decoder that is based on the 1986 Welch-Berlekamp algorithm.more » « less