o shift the computational burden from real-time to offline in delay-critical power systems applications, recent works entertain the idea of using a deep neural network (DNN) to predict the solutions of the AC optimal power flow (AC-OPF) once presented load demands. As network topologies may change, training this DNN in a sample-efficient manner becomes a necessity. To improve data efficiency, this work utilizes the fact OPF data are not simple training labels, but constitute the solutions of a parametric optimization problem. We thus advocate training a sensitivity-informed DNN (SI-DNN) to match not only the OPF optimizers, but also their partial derivatives with respect to the OPF parameters (loads). It is shown that the required Jacobian matrices do exist under mild conditions, and can be readily computed from the related primal/dual solutions. The proposed SI-DNN is compatible with a broad range of OPF solvers, including a non-convex quadratically constrained quadratic program (QCQP), its semidefinite program (SDP) relaxation, and MATPOWER; while SI-DNN can be seamlessly integrated in other learning-to-OPF schemes. Numerical tests on three benchmark power systems corroborate the advanced generalization and constraint satisfaction capabilities for the OPF solutions predicted by an SI-DNN over a conventionally trained DNN, especially in low-data setups.
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An Analysis of the Reliability of AC Optimal Power Flow Deep Learning Proxies
Optimal Power Flow (OPF) is a challenging problem
in power systems, and recent research has explored the use of
Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) to approximate OPF solutions
with reduced computational times. While these approaches show
promising accuracy and efficiency, there is a lack of analysis of
their robustness. This paper addresses this gap by investigating
the factors that lead to both successful and suboptimal predictions
in DNN-based OPF solvers. It identifies power system features and
DNN characteristics that contribute to higher prediction errors
and offers insights on mitigating these challenges when designing
deep learning models for OPF.
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- Award ID(s):
- 2041835
- 10482464
- Publisher / Repository:
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- IEEE PES Conference On Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Latin America
- 2643-8798
- 979-8-3503-3696-2
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- 170 to 174
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Location:
- San Juan, PR, USA
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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null (Ed.)Contingency Constrained Optimal Power Flow (CCOPF) differs from traditional Optimal Power Flow (OPF) because its generation dispatch is planned to work with state variables between constraint limits, considering a specific contingency. When it is not desired to have changes in the power dispatch after the contingency occurs, the CCOPF is studied with a preventive perspective, whereas when the contingency occurs and the power dispatch needs to change to operate the system between limits in the post-contingency state, the problem is studied with a corrective perspective. As current power system software tools mainly focus on the traditional OPF problem, having the means to solve CCOPF will benefit power systems planning and operation. This paper presents a Quadratically Constrained Quadratic Programming (QCQP) formulation built within the matpower environment as a solution strategy to the preventive CCOPF. Moreover, an extended OPF model that forces the network to meet all constraints under contingency is proposed as a strategy to find the power dispatch solution for the corrective CCOPF. Validation is made on the IEEE 14-bus test system including photovoltaic generation in one simulation case. It was found that in the QCQP formulation, the power dispatch calculated barely differs in both pre- and post-contingency scenarios while in the OPF extended power network, node voltage values in both pre- and post-contingency scenarios are equal in spite of having different power dispatch for each scenario. This suggests that both the QCQP and the extended OPF formulations proposed, could be implemented in power system software tools in order to solve CCOPF problems from a preventive or corrective perspective.more » « less
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