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Title: Role of subduction dynamics on the unevenly distributed volcanism at the Middle American subduction system
A typical subduction of an oceanic plate beneath a continent is expected to be accompanied by arc volcanoes along the convergent margin. However, subduction of the Cocos plate at the Middle American subduction system has resulted in an uneven distribution of magmatism/volcanism along strike. Here we construct a new three-dimensional shear-wave velocity model of the entire Middle American subduction system, using full-wave ambient noise tomography. Our model reveals significant variations of the oceanic plates along strike and down dip, in correspondence with either weakened or broken slabs after subduction. The northern and southern segments of the Cocos plate, including the Mexican flat slab subduction, are well imaged as high-velocity features, where a low-velocity mantle wedge exists and demonstrate a strong correlation with the arc volcanoes. Subduction of the central Cocos plate encounters a thick high-velocity feature beneath North America, which hinders the formation of a typical low-velocity mantle wedge and arc volcanoes. We suggest that the presence of slab tearing at both edges of the Mexican flat slab has been modifying the mantle flows, resulting in the unusual arc volcanism.  more » « less
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Publisher / Repository:
Scientific Reports
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Journal Name:
Scientific Reports
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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