Ground-based magnetometers used to measure magnetic fields on the Earth’s surface
(B) have played a central role in the development of Heliophysics research for more than a century. These versatile instruments have been adapted to study everything from polar cap dynamics to the equatorial electrojet, from solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling to real-time monitoring of space weather impacts on power grids. Due to their low costs and relatively straightforward operational procedures, these instruments have been deployed in large numbers in support of Heliophysics education and citizen science activities. They are also widely used in Heliophysics research internationally and more broadly in the geosciences, lending themselves to international and interdisciplinary collaborations; for example, ground-based electrometers collocated with magnetometers provide important information on the inductive coupling of external magnetic fields to the Earth’s interior through the induced electric field (E).
The purpose of this white paper is to (1) summarize present ground-based magnetometer infrastructure, with a focus on US-based activities, (2) summarize research that is needed to improve our understanding of the causes and consequences of B variations, (3) describe the infrastructure and policies needed to support this research and improve space weather models and nowcasts/forecasts. We emphasize a strategic shift to proactively identify operational efficiencies and engage all stakeholders who need B and E to work together to intelligently design new coverage and instrumentation requirements.
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Global Networks of Ground-Based Magnetometers Enable Cutting-Edge Heliophysics Research, Education, and Space Weather Operations
Ground-based magnetometers used to measure magnetic fields on the Earth’s surface (B) have played a central role in the development of Heliophysics research for more than a century. These versatile instruments have been adapted to study everything from polar cap dynamics to the equatorial electrojet, from solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling to real-time monitoring of space weather impacts on power grids. Due to their low costs and relatively straightforward operational procedures, these instruments have been deployed in large numbers in support of Heliophysics education and citizen science activities. They are also widely used in Heliophysics research internationally and more broadly in the geosciences, lending themselves to international and interdisciplinary collaborations; for example, ground-based electrometers collocated with magnetometers provide important information on the inductive coupling of external magnetic fields to the Earth’s interior through the induced electric field (E). The purpose of this white paper is to (1) summarize present ground-based magnetometer infrastructure, with a focus on US-based activities, (2) summarize research that is needed to improve our understanding of the causes and consequences of B variations, (3) describe the infrastructure and policies needed to support this research and improve space weather models and nowcasts/forecasts. We emphasize a strategic shift to proactively identify operational efficiencies and engage all stakeholders who need B and
E to work together to intelligently design new coverage and instrumentation requirements.
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- 10508764
- Publisher / Repository:
- American Astronomical Society
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Bulletin of the AAS
- Volume:
- 55
- Issue:
- 3
- 0002-7537
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- 0-11
- Subject(s) / Keyword(s):
- Heliophysics 2024 Decadal Whitepapers
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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null (Ed.)Variations of vertical atmospheric electric field E z have been attributed mainly to meteorological processes. On the other hand, the theory of electromagnetic waves in the atmosphere, between the bottom ionosphere and earth’s surface, predicts two modes, magnetic H (TE) and electric E (TH) modes, where the E-mode has a vertical electric field component, E z . Past attempts to find signatures of ULF (periods from fractions to tens of minutes) disturbances in E z gave contradictory results. Recently, study of ULF disturbances of atmospheric electric field became feasible thanks to project GLOCAEM, which united stations with 1 sec measurements of potential gradient. These data enable us to address the long-standing problem of the coupling between atmospheric electricity and space weather disturbances at ULF time scales. Also, we have reexamined results of earlier balloon-born electric field and ground magnetic field measurements in Antarctica. Transmission of storm sudden commencement (SSC) impulses to lower latitudes was often interpreted as excitation of the electric TH 0 mode, instantly propagating along the ionosphere–ground waveguide. According to this theoretical estimate, even a weak magnetic signature of the E-mode ∼1 nT must be accompanied by a burst of E z well exceeding the atmospheric potential gradient. We have examined simultaneous records of magnetometers and electric field-mills during >50 SSC events in 2007–2019 in search for signatures of E-mode. However, the observed E z disturbance never exceeded background fluctuations ∼10 V/m, much less than expected for the TH 0 mode. We constructed a model of the electromagnetic ULF response to an oscillating magnetospheric field-aligned current incident onto the realistic ionosphere and atmosphere. The model is based on numerical solution of the full-wave equations in the atmospheric-ionospheric collisional plasma, using parameters that were reconstructed using the IRI model. We have calculated the vertical and horizontal distributions of magnetic and electric fields of both H- and E-modes excited by magnetospheric field-aligned currents. The model predicts that the excitation rate of the E-mode by magnetospheric disturbances is low, so only a weak E z response with a magnitude of ∼several V/m will be produced by ∼100 nT geomagnetic disturbance. However, at balloon heights (∼30 km), electric field of the E-mode becomes dominating. Predicted amplitudes of horizontal electric field in the atmosphere induced by Pc5 pulsations and travelling convection vortices, about tens of mV/m, are in good agreement with balloon electric field and ground magnetometer observations.more » « less
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