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Title: The best constant for 𝐿^{∞}-type Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequalities

In this paper we derive the best constant for the followingL∞<#comment/>L^{\infty }-type Gagliardo-Nirenberg interpolation inequality‖<#comment/>u‖<#comment/>L∞<#comment/>≤<#comment/>Cq,∞<#comment/>,p‖<#comment/>u‖<#comment/>Lq+11−<#comment/>θ<#comment/>‖<#comment/>∇<#comment/>u‖<#comment/>Lpθ<#comment/>,θ<#comment/>=pddp+(p−<#comment/>d)(q+1),\begin{equation*} \|u\|_{L^{\infty }}\leq C_{q,\infty ,p} \|u\|^{1-\theta }_{L^{q+1}}\|\nabla u\|^{\theta }_{L^p},\quad \theta =\frac {pd}{dp+(p-d)(q+1)}, \end{equation*}where parametersqqandppsatisfy the conditionsp>d≥<#comment/>1p>d\geq 1,q≥<#comment/>0q\geq 0. The best constantCq,∞<#comment/>,pC_{q,\infty ,p}is given byCq,∞<#comment/>,p=θ<#comment/>−<#comment/>θ<#comment/>p(1−<#comment/>θ<#comment/>)θ<#comment/>pMc−<#comment/>θ<#comment/>d,Mc∫<#comment/>Rduc,∞<#comment/>q+1dx,\begin{equation*} C_{q,\infty ,p}=\theta ^{-\frac {\theta }{p}}(1-\theta )^{\frac {\theta }{p}}M_c^{-\frac {\theta }{d}},\quad M_c≔\int _{\mathbb {R}^d}u_{c,\infty }^{q+1} dx, \end{equation*}whereuc,∞<#comment/>u_{c,\infty }is the unique radial non-increasing solution to a generalized Lane-Emden equation. The case of equality holds whenu=Auc,∞<#comment/>(λ<#comment/>(x−<#comment/>x0))u=Au_{c,\infty }(\lambda (x-x_0))for any real numbersAA,λ<#comment/>>0\lambda >0andx0∈<#comment/>Rdx_{0}\in \mathbb {R}^d. In fact, the generalized Lane-Emden equation inRd\mathbb {R}^dcontains a delta function as a source and it is a Thomas-Fermi type equation. Forq=0q=0ord=1d=1,uc,∞<#comment/>u_{c,\infty }have closed form solutions expressed in terms of the incomplete Beta functions. Moreover, we show thatuc,m→<#comment/>uc,∞<#comment/>u_{c,m}\to u_{c,\infty }andCq,m,p→<#comment/>Cq,∞<#comment/>,pC_{q,m,p}\to C_{q,\infty ,p}asm→<#comment/>+∞<#comment/>m\to +\inftyford=1d=1, whereuc,mu_{c,m}andCq,m,pC_{q,m,p}are the function achieving equality and the best constant ofLmL^m-type Gagliardo-Nirenberg interpolation inequality, respectively.

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Journal Name:
Quarterly of Applied Mathematics
Page Range / eLocation ID:
305 to 338
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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