Our objectives were to assess the efficacy of active inference models for capturing driver takeovers from automated vehicles and to evaluate the links between model parameters and self-reported cognitive fatigue, trust, and situation awareness.
Control transitions between human drivers and automation pose a substantial safety and performance risk. Models of driver behavior that predict these transitions from data are a critical tool for designing safer, human-centered, systems but current models do not sufficiently account for human factors. Active inference theory is a promising approach to integrate human factors because of its grounding in cognition and translation to a quantitative modeling framework.
We used data from a driving simulation to develop an active inference model of takeover performance. After validating the model’s predictions, we used Bayesian regression with a spike and slab prior to assess substantial correlations between model parameters and self-reported trust, situation awareness, fatigue, and demographic factors.
The model accurately captured driving takeover times. The regression results showed that increases in cognitive fatigue were associated with increased uncertainty about the need to takeover, attributable to mapping observations to environmental states. Higher situation awareness was correlated with a more precise understanding of the environment and state transitions. Higher trust was associated with increased variance in environmental conditions associated with environmental states.
The results align with prior theory on trust and active inference and provide a critical connection between complex driver states and interpretable model parameters.
The active inference framework can be used in the testing and validation of automated vehicle technology to calibrate design parameters to ensure safety.