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Title: Formation of quasi-bound states in the continuum in a single deformed microcavity

Bound states in the continuum (BICs) hold significant promise in manipulating electromagnetic fields and reducing losses in optical structures, leading to advancements in fundamental research and practical applications. Despite their observation in various optical systems, the behavior of BIC in whispering-gallery-modes (WGMs) optical microcavities, essential components of photonic integrated chips, has yet to be thoroughly explored. In this study, we propose and experimentally identify a robust mechanism for generating quasi-BIC in a single deformed microcavity. By introducing boundary deformations, we construct stable unidirectional radiation channels as leaking continuum shared by different resonant modes and experimentally verify their external strong mode coupling. This results in drastically suppressed leaking loss of one originally long-lived resonance, manifested as more than a threefold enhancement of its quality (Q) factor, while the other short-lived resonance becomes more lossy, demonstrating the formation of Friedrich–Wintgen quasi-BICs as corroborated by the theoretical model and experimental data. This research will provide a practical approach to enhance theQ-factor of optical microcavities, opening up potential applications in the area of deformed microcavities, nonlinear optics, quantum optics, and integrated photonics.

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Award ID(s):
Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ; ;
Publisher / Repository:
Optical Society of America
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Photonics Research
Medium: X Size: Article No. 2651
Article No. 2651
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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