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Distributed machine learning is primarily motivated by the promise of increased computation power for accelerating training and mitigating privacy concerns. Unlike machine learning on a single device, distributed machine learning requires collaboration and communication among the devices. This creates several new challenges: (1) the heavy communication overhead can be a bottleneck that slows down the training, and (2) the unreliable communication and weaker control over the remote entities make the distributed system vulnerable to systematic failures and malicious attacks. This paper presents a variant of stochastic gradient descent (SGD) with improved communication efficiency and security in distributed environments. Our contributions include (1) a new technique called error reset to adapt both infrequent synchronization and message compression for communication reduction in both synchronous and asynchronous training, (2) new score-based approaches for validating the updates, and (3) integration with both error reset and score-based validation. The proposed system provides communication reduction, both synchronous and asynchronous training, Byzantine tolerance, and local privacy preservation. We evaluate our techniques both theoretically and empirically.more » « less
We propose a flexible, yet interpretable model for high-dimensional data with time-varying second-order statistics, motivated and applied to functional neuroimaging data. Our approach implements the neuroscientific hypothesis of discrete cognitive processes by factorizing covariances into sparse spatial and smooth temporal components. Although this factorization results in parsimony and domain interpretability, the resulting estimation problem is nonconvex. We design a two-stage optimization scheme with a tailored spectral initialization, combined with iteratively refined alternating projected gradient descent. We prove a linear convergence rate up to a nontrivial statistical error for the proposed descent scheme and establish sample complexity guarantees for the estimator. Empirical results using simulated data and brain imaging data illustrate that our approach outperforms existing baselines.more » « less
Cussens, James ; Zhang, Kun (Ed.)Metric elicitation is a recent framework for eliciting classification performance metrics that best reflect implicit user preferences based on the task and context. However, available elicitation strategies have been limited to linear (or quasi-linear) functions of predictive rates, which can be practically restrictive for many applications including fairness. This paper develops a strategy for eliciting more flexible multiclass metrics defined by quadratic functions of rates, designed to reflect human preferences better. We show its application in eliciting quadratic violation-based group-fair metrics. Our strategy requires only relative preference feedback, is robust to noise, and achieves near-optimal query complexity. We further extend this strategy to eliciting polynomial metrics – thus broadening the use cases for metric elicitation.more » « less
Recent work on 3D-aware image synthesis has achieved compelling results using advances in neural rendering. However, 3D-aware synthesis of face dynamics hasn't received much attention. Here, we study how to explicitly control generative model synthesis of face dynamics exhibiting non-rigid motion (e.g., facial expression change), while simultaneously ensuring 3D-awareness. For this we propose a Controllable Radiance Field (CoRF): 1) Motion control is achieved by embedding motion features within the layered latent motion space of a style-based generator; 2) To ensure consistency of background, motion features and subject-specific attributes such as lighting, texture, shapes, albedo, and identity, a face parsing net, a head regressor and an identity encoder are incorporated. On head image/video data we show that CoRFs are 3D-aware while enabling editing of identity, viewing directions, and motion.more » « less
null (Ed.)Abstract Motivation While each cancer is the result of an isolated evolutionary process, there are repeated patterns in tumorigenesis defined by recurrent driver mutations and their temporal ordering. Such repeated evolutionary trajectories hold the potential to improve stratification of cancer patients into subtypes with distinct survival and therapy response profiles. However, current cancer phylogeny methods infer large solution spaces of plausible evolutionary histories from the same sequencing data, obfuscating repeated evolutionary patterns. Results To simultaneously resolve ambiguities in sequencing data and identify cancer subtypes, we propose to leverage common patterns of evolution found in patient cohorts. We first formulate the Multiple Choice Consensus Tree problem, which seeks to select a tumor tree for each patient and assign patients into clusters in such a way that maximizes consistency within each cluster of patient trees. We prove that this problem is NP-hard and develop a heuristic algorithm, Revealing Evolutionary Consensus Across Patients (RECAP), to solve this problem in practice. Finally, on simulated data, we show RECAP outperforms existing methods that do not account for patient subtypes. We then use RECAP to resolve ambiguities in patient trees and find repeated evolutionary trajectories in lung and breast cancer cohorts. Availability and implementation Supplementary information Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.more » « less
Abstract Graphs representing complex systems often share a partial underlying structure across domains while retaining individual features. Thus, identifying common structures can shed light on the underlying signal, for instance, when applied to scientific discovery or clinical diagnoses. Furthermore, growing evidence shows that the shared structure across domains boosts the estimation power of graphs, particularly for high‐dimensional data. However, building a joint estimator to extract the common structure may be more complicated than it seems, most often due to data heterogeneity across sources. This manuscript surveys recent work on statistical inference of joint Gaussian graphical models, identifying model structures that fit various data generation processes.
This article is categorized under:
Data: Types and Structure > Graph and Network Data
Statistical Models > Graphical Models