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  1. block2 is an open source framework to implement and perform density matrix renormalization group and matrix product state algorithms. Out-of-the-box it supports the eigenstate, time-dependent, response, and finite-temperature algorithms. In addition, it carries special optimizations for ab initio electronic structure Hamiltonians and implements many quantum chemistry extensions to the density matrix renormalization group, such as dynamical correlation theories. The code is designed with an emphasis on flexibility, extensibility, and efficiency and to support integration with external numerical packages. Here, we explain the design principles and currently supported features and present numerical examples in a range of applications.

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  2. We have designed a [Fe(SH)4H]− model with the fifth proton binding either to Fe or S. We show that the energy difference between these two isomers (∆E) is hard to estimate with quantum-mechanical (QM) methods. For example, different density functional theory (DFT) methods give ∆E estimates that vary by almost 140 kJ/mol, mainly depending on the amount of exact Hartree–Fock included (0%–54%). The model is so small that it can be treated by many high-level QM methods, including coupled-cluster (CC) and multiconfigurational perturbation theory approaches. With extrapolated CC series (up to fully connected coupled-cluster calculations with singles, doubles, and triples) and semistochastic heat-bath configuration interaction methods, we obtain results that seem to be converged to full configuration interaction results within 5 kJ/mol. Our best result for ∆E is 101 kJ/mol. With this reference, we show that M06 and B3LYP-D3 give the best results among 35 DFT methods tested for this system. Brueckner doubles coupled cluster with perturbaitve triples seems to be the most accurate coupled-cluster approach with approximate triples. CCSD(T) with Kohn–Sham orbitals gives results within 4–11 kJ/mol of the extrapolated CC results, depending on the DFT method. Single-reference CC calculations seem to be reasonably accurate (giving an error of ∼5 kJ/mol compared to multireference methods), even if the D1 diagnostic is quite high (0.25) for one of the two isomers.

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  3. The data management of large companies often prioritize more recent data, as a source of higher accuracy prediction than outdated data. For example, the Facebook data policy retains user search histories for months while the Google data retention policy states that browser information may be stored for up to months. These policies are captured by the sliding window model, in which only the most recent statistics form the underlying dataset. In this paper, we consider the problem of privately releasing the L2-heavy hitters in the sliding window model, which include Lp-heavy hitters for p<=2 and in some sense are the strongest possible guarantees that can be achieved using polylogarithmic space, but cannot be handled by existing techniques due to the sub-additivity of the L2 norm. Moreover, existing non-private sliding window algorithms use the smooth histogram framework, which has high sensitivity. To overcome these barriers, we introduce the first differentially private algorithm for L2-heavy hitters in the sliding window model by initiating a number of L2-heavy hitter algorithms across the stream with significantly lower threshold. Similarly, we augment the algorithms with an approximate frequency tracking algorithm with significantly higher accuracy. We then use smooth sensitivity and statistical distance arguments to show that we can add noise proportional to an estimation of the norm. To the best of our knowledge, our techniques are the first to privately release statistics that are related to a sub-additive function in the sliding window model, and may be of independent interest to future differentially private algorithmic design in the sliding window model. 
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  4. Kiltz, E. (Ed.)
    The classical (parallel) black pebbling game is a useful abstraction which allows us to analyze the resources (space, space-time, cumulative space) necessary to evaluate a function f with a static data-dependency graph G. Of particular interest in the field of cryptography are data-independent memory-hard functions fG,H which are defined by a directed acyclic graph (DAG) G and a cryptographic hash function H. The pebbling complexity of the graph G characterizes the amortized cost of evaluating fG,H multiple times as well as the total cost to run a brute-force preimage attack over a fixed domain X, i.e., given y∈{0,1}∗ find x∈X such that fG,H(x)=y. While a classical attacker will need to evaluate the function fG,H at least m=|X| times a quantum attacker running Grover’s algorithm only requires O(m−−√) blackbox calls to a quantum circuit CG,H evaluating the function fG,H. Thus, to analyze the cost of a quantum attack it is crucial to understand the space-time cost (equivalently width times depth) of the quantum circuit CG,H. We first observe that a legal black pebbling strategy for the graph G does not necessarily imply the existence of a quantum circuit with comparable complexity—in contrast to the classical setting where any efficient pebbling strategy for G corresponds to an algorithm with comparable complexity for evaluating fG,H. Motivated by this observation we introduce a new parallel reversible pebbling game which captures additional restrictions imposed by the No-Deletion Theorem in Quantum Computing. We apply our new reversible pebbling game to analyze the reversible space-time complexity of several important graphs: Line Graphs, Argon2i-A, Argon2i-B, and DRSample. Specifically, (1) we show that a line graph of size N has reversible space-time complexity at most O(N^{1+2/√logN}). (2) We show that any (e, d)-reducible DAG has reversible space-time complexity at most O(Ne+dN2^d). In particular, this implies that the reversible space-time complexity of Argon2i-A and Argon2i-B are at most O(N^2 loglogN/√logN) and O(N^2/(log N)^{1/3}), respectively. (3) We show that the reversible space-time complexity of DRSample is at most O((N^2loglog N)/log N). We also study the cumulative pebbling cost of reversible pebblings extending a (non-reversible) pebbling attack of Alwen and Blocki on depth-reducible graphs. 
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  5. The Schnorr signature scheme is an efficient digital signature scheme with short signature lengths, i.e., $4k$-bit signatures for $k$ bits of security. A Schnorr signature $\sigma$ over a group of size $p\approx 2^{2k}$ consists of a tuple $(s,e)$, where $e \in \{0,1\}^{2k}$ is a hash output and $s\in \mathbb{Z}_p$ must be computed using the secret key. While the hash output $e$ requires $2k$ bits to encode, Schnorr proposed that it might be possible to truncate the hash value without adversely impacting security. In this paper, we prove that \emph{short} Schnorr signatures of length $3k$ bits provide $k$ bits of multi-user security in the (Shoup's) generic group model and the programmable random oracle model. We further analyze the multi-user security of key-prefixed short Schnorr signatures against preprocessing attacks, showing that it is possible to obtain secure signatures of length $3k + \log S + \log N$ bits. Here, $N$ denotes the number of users and $S$ denotes the size of the hint generated by our preprocessing attacker, e.g., if $S=2^{k/2}$, then we would obtain secure $3.75k$-bit signatures for groups of up to $N \leq 2^{k/4}$ users. Our techniques easily generalize to several other Fiat-Shamir-based signature schemes, allowing us to establish analogous results for Chaum-Pedersen signatures and Katz-Wang signatures. As a building block, we also analyze the $1$-out-of-$N$ discrete-log problem in the generic group model, with and without preprocessing. 
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  6. Berenbrink, Petra and (Ed.)
    A directed acyclic graph G = (V,E) is said to be (e,d)-depth robust if for every subset S ⊆ V of |S| ≤ e nodes the graph G-S still contains a directed path of length d. If the graph is (e,d)-depth-robust for any e,d such that e+d ≤ (1-ε)|V| then the graph is said to be ε-extreme depth-robust. In the field of cryptography, (extremely) depth-robust graphs with low indegree have found numerous applications including the design of side-channel resistant Memory-Hard Functions, Proofs of Space and Replication and in the design of Computationally Relaxed Locally Correctable Codes. In these applications, it is desirable to ensure the graphs are locally navigable, i.e., there is an efficient algorithm GetParents running in time polylog|V| which takes as input a node v ∈ V and returns the set of v’s parents. We give the first explicit construction of locally navigable ε-extreme depth-robust graphs with indegree O(log |V|). Previous constructions of ε-extreme depth-robust graphs either had indegree ω̃(log² |V|) or were not explicit. 
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  7. Abstract

    Due to intense interest in the potential applications of quantum computing, it is critical to understand the basis for potential exponential quantum advantage in quantum chemistry. Here we gather the evidence for this case in the most common task in quantum chemistry, namely, ground-state energy estimation, for generic chemical problems where heuristic quantum state preparation might be assumed to be efficient. The availability of exponential quantum advantage then centers on whether features of the physical problem that enable efficient heuristic quantum state preparation also enable efficient solution by classical heuristics. Through numerical studies of quantum state preparation and empirical complexity analysis (including the error scaling) of classical heuristics, in both ab initio and model Hamiltonian settings, we conclude that evidence for such an exponential advantage across chemical space has yet to be found. While quantum computers may still prove useful for ground-state quantum chemistry through polynomial speedups, it may be prudent to assume exponential speedups are not generically available for this problem.

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  8. null (Ed.)