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Coastal erosion mobilizes large quantities of organic matter (OM) to the Arctic Ocean where it may fuel greenhouse gas emissions and marine production. While the biodegradability of permafrost‐derived dissolved organic carbon (DOC) has been extensively studied in inland soils and freshwaters, few studies have examined dissolved OM (DOM) leached from eroding coastal permafrost in seawater. To address this knowledge gap, we sampled three horizons from bluff exposures near Drew Point, Alaska: seasonally thawed active layer soils, permafrost containing Holocene terrestrial and/or lacustrine OM, and permafrost containing late‐Pleistocene marine‐derived OM. Samples were leached in seawater to compare DOC yields, DOM composition (chromophoric DOM, Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry), and biodegradable DOC (BDOC). Holocene terrestrial permafrost leached the most DOC compared to active layer soils and Pleistocene marine permafrost. However, DOC from Pleistocene marine permafrost was the most biodegradable (33 ± 6% over 90 days), followed by DOC from active layer soils (23 ± 5%) and Holocene terrestrial permafrost (14 ± 3%). Permafrost leachates contained relatively more aliphatic and peptide‐like formulae, whereas active layer leachates contained relatively more aromatic formulae. BDOC was positively correlated with nitrogen‐containing and aliphatic formulae, and negatively correlated with polyphenolic and condensed aromatic formulae. Using estimates of eroding OM, we scale our results to estimate DOC and BDOC inputs to the Alaska Beaufort Sea. While DOC inputs from coastal erosion are relatively small compared to rivers, our results suggest that erosion may be an important source of BDOC to the Beaufort Sea when river inputs are low.more » « lessFree, publicly-accessible full text available July 1, 2025
Abstract Supra‐permafrost submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) in the Arctic is potentially important for coastal biogeochemistry and will likely increase over the coming decades owing to climate change. Despite this, land‐to‐ocean material fluxes via SGD in Arctic environments have seldom been quantified. This study used radium (Ra) isotopes to quantify SGD fluxes to an Arctic coastal lagoon (Simpson Lagoon, Alaska) during five sampling periods between 2021 and 2023. Using a Ra mass balance model, we found that the SGD water flux was substantial and dependent on environmental conditions. No measurable SGD was detected during the spring sampling period (June 2022), when the lagoon was partially ice‐covered. During ice‐free periods, the main driver of SGD in this location is wind‐driven lagoon water level changes, not tides, which control surface water recirculation through sediments along the lagoon boundary. A combination of wind strength and direction led to low SGD fluxes in July 2022, with an SGD flux of (6 ± 3) × 106 m3 d−1, moderate fluxes in August 2021 and July 2023, which had an average flux of (17 ± 9) × 106 m3 d−1, and high fluxes in October 2022, at (79 ± 16) × 106 m3 d−1. This work demonstrates how soil and environmental conditions in the Arctic impact Ra mobilization, laying a foundation for future SGD studies in the Arctic and shedding light on the major processes driving Ra fluxes in this important environment.
Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 1, 2025 -
In contrast to fairly good knowledge of dissolved carbon and major elements in great Arctic rivers, seasonally resolved concentrations of many trace elements remain poorly characterized, hindering assessment of the current status and possible future changes in the hydrochemistry of the Eurasian Arctic. To fill this gap, here we present results for a broad suite of trace elements in the largest rivers of the Russian Arctic (Ob, Yenisey, Lena, and Kolyma). For context, we also present results for major elements that are more routinely measured in these rivers. Water samples for this study were collected during an international campaign called PARTNERS from 2004 through 2006. A comparison of element concentrations obtained for Arctic rivers in this study with average concentrations in the world’s rivers shows that most elements in the Arctic rivers are similar to or significantly lower than the world average. The mineral content of the three greatest rivers (Ob, Yenisey, and Lena) varies within a narrow range (from 107 mg/L for Yenisey to 123 mg/L for Ob). The Kolyma’s mineral content is significantly lower (52.4 mg/L). Fluxes of all major and trace elements were calculated using average concentrations and average water discharge for the 2004–2006 period. Based on these flux estimates, specific export (i.e., t/km2/y) for most of the elements was greatest for the Lena, followed by the Yenisey, Ob, and Kolyma in decreasing order. Element pairwise correlation analysis identified several distinct groups of elements depending on their sources and relative mobility in the river water. There was a negative correlation between Fe and DOC concentration in the Ob River, which could be linked to different sources of these components in this river. The annual yields of major and trace elements calculated for each river were generally consistent with values assessed for other mid-size and small rivers of the Eurasian subarctic.
Key Points Modeled dissolved organic carbon export was 18.4 Tg C yr ‐1 (median) from 1982‐2019 for the six largest Arctic Rivers Proportional contributions of chromophoric to total dissolved organic carbon (CDOC & DOC) are positively correlated with water discharge Increasing discharge and shifting seasonality, independent of other factors, would have increased CDOC and DOC export from 1982‐2019more » « less
Abstract Groundwater discharge transports dissolved constituents to the ocean, affecting coastal carbon budgets and water quality. However, the magnitude and mechanisms of groundwater exchange along rapidly transitioning Arctic coastlines are largely unknown due to limited observations. Here, using first-of-its-kind coastal Arctic groundwater timeseries data, we evaluate the magnitude and drivers of groundwater discharge to Alaska’s Beaufort Sea coast. Darcy flux calculations reveal temporally variable groundwater fluxes, ranging from −6.5 cm d−1(recharge) to 14.1 cm d−1(discharge), with fluctuations in groundwater discharge or aquifer recharge over diurnal and multiday timescales during the open-water season. The average flux during the monitoring period of 4.9 cm d−1is in line with previous estimates, but the maximum discharge exceeds previous estimates by over an order-of-magnitude. While the diurnal fluctuations are small due to the microtidal conditions, multiday variability is large and drives sustained periods of aquifer recharge and groundwater discharge. Results show that wind-driven lagoon water level changes are the dominant mechanism of fluctuations in land–sea hydraulic head gradients and, in turn, groundwater discharge. Given the microtidal conditions, low topographic relief, and limited rainfall along the Beaufort Sea coast, we identify wind as an important forcing mechanism of coastal groundwater discharge and aquifer recharge with implications for nearshore biogeochemistry. This study provides insights into groundwater flux dynamics along this coastline over time and highlights an oft overlooked discharge and circulation mechanism with implications towards refining solute export estimates to coastal Arctic waters.
Supra-permafrost submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) in the Arctic is poorly understood, yet has the potential to increase over the coming decades due to climate change. This study uses radium (Ra) isotopes to investigate this process by constraining seasonal SGD inputs to an Arctic coastal lagoon (Simpson Lagoon, AK). Within this dataset are 224Ra, 223Ra, 228Ra, and 226Ra activities for surface water samples (lagoon, rivers) and groundwater samples across three seasons: thaw (June 2022), open water (August 2021 and July 2022), and freeze up (September/October 2022). Experimentally determined valued for Ra desorption from riverine suspended sediments and diffusive fluxes from bottom sediments are also included.more » « less
It is widely recognized that nitrogen (N) inputs from watersheds to estuaries are modified during transport through river networks, but changes within tidal freshwater zones (TFZs) have been largely overlooked. This paper sheds new light on the role that TFZs play in modifying the timing and forms of N inputs to estuaries by (1) characterizing spatial and temporal variability of N concentrations and forms in the TFZs of the Mission and Aransas rivers, Texas, USA, and (2) examining seasonal fluxes of N into and out of the Aransas River TFZ. Median concentrations of dissolved inorganic N (DIN) were lower in the TFZs than in upstream non-tidal river reaches and exhibited spatial gradients linked to locations of major N inputs. These spatial patterns were stronger during winter than summer. The forms of N also changed substantially, with DIN changing to organic N (primarily phytoplankton) within the TFZs. Discharge and N flux comparisons for the Aransas River TFZ demonstrated that secular tidal patterns modulate the timing of N export during baseflow conditions: N export far exceeded input during winter, whereas export and input were relatively balanced during summer. While more data are needed to build an annual N budget, our results show that TFZ can change the timing and form of N export immediately upstream of estuaries.more » « less
Arctic rivers provide an integrated signature of the changing landscape and transmit signals of change to the ocean. Here, we use a decade of particulate organic matter (POM) compositional data to deconvolute multiple allochthonous and autochthonous pan-Arctic and watershed-specific sources. Constraints from carbon-to-nitrogen ratios (C:N), δ 13 C, and Δ 14 C signatures reveal a large, hitherto overlooked contribution from aquatic biomass. Separation in Δ 14 C age is enhanced by splitting soil sources into shallow and deep pools (mean ± SD: −228 ± 211 vs. −492 ± 173‰) rather than traditional active layer and permafrost pools (−300 ± 236 vs. −441 ± 215‰) that do not represent permafrost-free Arctic regions. We estimate that 39 to 60% (5 to 95% credible interval) of the annual pan-Arctic POM flux (averaging 4,391 Gg/y particulate organic carbon from 2012 to 2019) comes from aquatic biomass. The remainder is sourced from yedoma, deep soils, shallow soils, petrogenic inputs, and fresh terrestrial production. Climate change-induced warming and increasing CO 2 concentrations may enhance both soil destabilization and Arctic river aquatic biomass production, increasing fluxes of POM to the ocean. Younger, autochthonous, and older soil-derived POM likely have different destinies (preferential microbial uptake and processing vs. significant sediment burial, respectively). A small (~7%) increase in aquatic biomass POM flux with warming would be equivalent to a ~30% increase in deep soil POM flux. There is a clear need to better quantify how the balance of endmember fluxes may shift with different ramifications for different endmembers and how this will impact the Arctic system.more » « less