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The offline pickup and delivery problem with time windows (PDPTW) is a classical combinatorial optimization problem in the transportation community, which has proven to be very challenging computationally. Due to the complexity of the problem, practical problem instances can be solved only via heuristics, which trade-off solution quality for computational tractability. Among the various heuristics, a common strategy is problem decomposition, that is, the reduction of a large-scale problem into a collection of smaller sub-problems, with spatial and temporal decompositions being two natural approaches. While spatial decomposition has been successful in certain settings, effective temporal decomposition has been challenging due to the difficulty of stitching together the sub-problem solutions across the decomposition boundaries. In this work, we introduce a novel temporal decomposition scheme for solving a class of PDPTWs that have narrow time windows, for which it is able to provide both fast and high-quality solutions. We utilize techniques that have been popularized recently in the context of online dial-a-ride problems along with the general idea of rolling horizon optimization. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to solve offline PDPTWs using such an approach. To show the performance and scalability of our framework, we use the optimization of paratransit services as a motivating example. Due to the lack of benchmark solvers similar to ours (i.e., temporal decomposition with an online solver), we compare our results with an offline heuristic algorithm using Google OR-Tools. In smaller problem instances (with an average of 129 requests per instance), the baseline approach is as competitive as our framework. However, in larger problem instances (approximately 2,500 requests per instance), our framework is more scalable and can provide good solutions to problem instances of varying degrees of difficulty, while the baseline algorithm often fails to find a feasible solution within comparable compute times.more » « less
New rideshare and shared-mobility services have transformed urban mobility in recent years. Therefore, transit agencies are looking for ways to adapt to this rapidly changing environment. In this space, ridepooling has the potential to improve efficiency and reduce costs by allowing users to share rides in high-capacity vehicles and vans. Most transit agencies already operate various ridepooling services including microtransit and paratransit. However, the objectives and constraints for implementing these services vary greatly between agencies. This brings multiple challenges. First, off-the-shelf ridepooling formulations must be adapted for real-world conditions and constraints. Second, the lack of modular and reusable software makes it hard to implement and evaluate new ridepooling algorithms and approaches in real-world settings. Therefore, we propose an on-demand transportation scheduling software for microtransit and paratransit services. This software is aimed at transit agencies looking to incorporate state-of-the-art rideshare and ridepooling algorithms in their everyday operations. We provide management software for dispatchers and mobile applications for drivers and users. Lastly, we discuss the challenges in adapting state-of-the-art methods to real-world operations.more » « less
Public transit is a vital mode of transportation in urban areas, and its efficiency is crucial for the daily commute of millions of people. To improve the reliability and predictability of transit systems, researchers have developed separate single-task learning models to predict the occupancy and delay of buses at the stop or route level. However, these models provide a narrow view of delay and occupancy at each stop and do not account for the correlation between the two. We propose a novel approach that leverages broader generalizable patterns governing delay and occupancy for improved prediction. We introduce a multitask learning toolchain that takes into account General Transit Feed Specification feeds, Automatic Passenger Counter data, and contextual temporal and spatial information. The toolchain predicts transit delay and occupancy at the stop level, improving the accuracy of the predictions of these two features of a trip given sparse and noisy data. We also show that our toolchain can adapt to fewer samples of new transit data once it has been trained on previous routes/trips as compared to state-of-the-art methods. Finally, we use actual data from Chattanooga, Tennessee, to validate our approach. We compare our approach against the state-of-the-art methods and we show that treating occupancy and delay as related problems improves the accuracy of the predictions. We show that our approach improves delay prediction significantly by as much as 4% in F1 scores while producing equivalent or better results for occupancy.more » « less
COVID-19 has radically transformed urban travel behavior throughout the world. Agencies have had to provide adequate service while navigating a rapidly changing environment with reduced revenue. As COVID-19-related restrictions are lifted, transit agencies are concerned about their ability to adapt to changes in ridership behavior and public transit usage. To aid their becoming more adaptive to sudden or persistent shifts in ridership, we addressed three questions: To what degree has COVID-19 affected fixed-line public transit ridership and what is the relationship between reduced demand and -vehicle trips? How has COVID-19 changed ridership patterns and are they expected to persist after restrictions are lifted? Are there disparities in ridership changes across socioeconomic groups and mobility-impaired riders? Focusing on Nashville and Chattanooga, TN, ridership demand and vehicle trips were compared with anonymized mobile location data to study the relationship between mobility patterns and transit usage. Correlation analysis and multiple linear regression were used to investigate the relationship between socioeconomic indicators and changes in transit ridership, and an analysis of changes in paratransit demand before and during COVID-19. Ridership initially dropped by 66% and 65% over the first month of the pandemic for Nashville and Chattanooga, respectively. Cellular mobility patterns in Chattanooga indicated that foot traffic recovered to a greater degree than transit ridership between mid-April and the last week in June, 2020. Education-level had a statistically significant impact on changes in fixed-line bus transit, and the distribution of changes in demand for paratransit services were similar to those of fixed-line bus transit.more » « less
The public commute is essential to all urban centers and is an efficient and environment-friendly way to travel. Transit systems must become more accessible and user-friendly. Since public transit is majorly designed statically, with very few improvements coming over time, it can get stagnated, unable to update itself with changing population trends. To better understand transportation demands and make them more usable, efficient, and demographic-focused, we propose a fast, multi-layered transit simulation that primarily focuses on public transit simulation (BTE-Sim). BTE-Sim is designed based on the population demand, existing traffic conditions, and the road networks that exist in a region. The system is versatile, with the ability to run different configurations of the existing transit routes, or inculcate any new changes that may seem necessary, or even in extreme cases, new transit network design as well. In all situations, it can compare multiple transit networks and provide evaluation metrics for them. It provides detailed data on each transit vehicle, the trips it performs, its on-time performance and other necessary factors. Its highlighting feature is the considerably low computation time it requires to perform all these tasks and provide consistently reliable results.more » « less
Accurately predicting the ridership of public-transit routes provides substantial benefits to both transit agencies, who can dispatch additional vehicles proactively before the vehicles that serve a route become crowded, and to passengers, who can avoid crowded vehicles based on publicly available predictions. The spread of the coronavirus disease has further elevated the importance of ridership prediction as crowded vehicles now present not only an inconvenience but also a public-health risk. At the same time, accurately predicting ridership has become more challenging due to evolving ridership patterns, which may make all data except for the most recent records stale. One promising approach for improving prediction accuracy is to fine-tune the hyper-parameters of machine-learning models for each transit route based on the characteristics of the particular route, such as the number of records. However, manually designing a machine-learning model for each route is a labor-intensive process, which may require experts to spend a significant amount of their valuable time. To help experts with designing machine-learning models, we propose a neural-architecture and feature search approach, which optimizes the architecture and features of a deep neural network for predicting the ridership of a public-transit route. Our approach is based on a randomized local hyper-parameter search, which minimizes both prediction error as well as the complexity of the model. We evaluate our approach on real-world ridership data provided by the public transit agency of Chattanooga, TN, and we demonstrate that training neural networks whose architectures and features are optimized for each route provides significantly better performance than training neural networks whose architectures and features are generic.more » « less
When electrified transit systems make grid aware choices, improved social welfare is achieved by scheduling charging at low grid impact locations and times causing reduced loss, minimal power quality issues and reduced grid stress. Electrifying transit fleet has numerous challenges like non availability of buses during charging, varying charging costs, etc., that are related the electric grid behavior. However, transit systems do not have access to the information about the co-evolution of the grid’s power flow and therefore cannot account for the power grid’s needs in its day to day operation. In this paper we propose a framework of transportation-grid co-simulation analyzing the spatio-temporal interaction between the transit operations with electric buses and the power distribution grid. Real-world data for a day’s traffic from Chattanooga city’s transit system is simulated in SUMO and integrated with a realistic distribution grid simulation (using GridLAB-D) to understand the grid impact due to the transit electrification. Charging information is obtained from the transportation simulation to feed into grid simulation to assess the impact of charging. We also discuss the impact to the grid with higher degree of Transit electrification that further necessitates such an integrated Transportation-Grid co-simulation to operate the integrated system optimally. Our future work includes extending the platform for optimizing the charging and trip assignment operations.more » « less
Many transit agencies operating paratransit and microtransit ser-vices have to respond to trip requests that arrive in real-time, which entails solving hard combinatorial and sequential decision-making problems under uncertainty. To avoid decisions that lead to signifi-cant inefficiency in the long term, vehicles should be allocated to requests by optimizing a non-myopic utility function or by batching requests together and optimizing a myopic utility function. While the former approach is typically offline, the latter can be performed online. We point out two major issues with such approaches when applied to paratransit services in practice. First, it is difficult to batch paratransit requests together as they are temporally sparse. Second, the environment in which transit agencies operate changes dynamically (e.g., traffic conditions can change over time), causing the estimates that are learned offline to become stale. To address these challenges, we propose a fully online approach to solve the dynamic vehicle routing problem (DVRP) with time windows and stochastic trip requests that is robust to changing environmental dynamics by construction. We focus on scenarios where requests are relatively sparse-our problem is motivated by applications to paratransit services. We formulate DVRP as a Markov decision process and use Monte Carlo tree search to evaluate actions for any given state. Accounting for stochastic requests while optimizing a non-myopic utility function is computationally challenging; indeed, the action space for such a problem is intractably large in practice. To tackle the large action space, we leverage the structure of the problem to design heuristics that can sample promising actions for the tree search. Our experiments using real-world data from our partner agency show that the proposed approach outperforms existing state-of-the-art approaches both in terms of performance and robustness.more » « less
Vehicle routing problems (VRPs) can be divided into two major categories: offline VRPs, which consider a given set of trip requests to be served, and online VRPs, which consider requests as they arrive in real-time. Based on discussions with public transit agencies, we identify a real-world problem that is not addressed by existing formulations: booking trips with flexible pickup windows (e.g., 3 hours) in advance (e.g., the day before) and confirming tight pickup windows (e.g., 30 minutes) at the time of booking. Such a service model is often required in paratransit service settings, where passengers typically book trips for the next day over the phone. To address this gap between offline and online problems, we introduce a novel formulation, the offline vehicle routing problem with online bookings. This problem is very challenging computationally since it faces the complexity of considering large sets of requests—similar to offline VRPs—but must abide by strict constraints on running time—similar to online VRPs. To solve this problem, we propose a novel computational approach, which combines an anytime algorithm with a learning-based policy for real-time decisions. Based on a paratransit dataset obtained from our partner transit agency, we demonstrate that our novel formulation and computational approach lead to significantly better outcomes in this service setting than existing algorithms.more » « less
Public-transit systems face a number of operational challenges: (a) changing ridership patterns requiring optimization of fixed line services, (b) optimizing vehicle-to-trip assignments to reduce maintenance and operation codes, and (c) ensuring equitable and fair coverage to areas with low ridership. Optimizing these objectives presents a hard computational problem due to the size and complexity of the decision space. State-of-the-art methods formulate these problems as variants of the vehicle routing problem and use data-driven heuristics for optimizing the procedures. However, the evaluation and training of these algorithms require large datasets that provide realistic coverage of various operational uncertainties. This paper presents a dynamic simulation platform, called Transit-Gym, that can bridge this gap by providing the ability to simulate scenarios, focusing on variation of demand models, variations of route networks, and variations of vehicle-to-trip assignments. The central contribution of this work is a domain-specific language and associated experimentation tool-chain and infrastructure to enable subject-matter experts to intuitively specify, simulate, and analyze large-scale transit scenarios and their parametric variations. Of particular significance is an integrated microscopic energy consumption model that also helps to analyze the energy cost of various transit decisions made by the transportation agency of a city.more » « less