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  1. Abstract

    During active geomagnetic periods both electrons and protons in the outer radiation belt have been frequently observed to penetrate to lowL(<4). Previous studies have demonstrated systematic differences in the deep penetration of the two species of particles, most notably that the penetration of protons is observed less frequently than for electrons of the same energies. A recent study by Mei et al. (2023, showed that the time‐varying convection electric field contributes to the deeper penetration of low‐energy electrons and that a radial diffusion‐convection model can be used to reproduce the storm‐time penetration of lower‐energy electrons to lowerL. In this study, we analyze and provide physical explanations for the different behaviors of electrons and protons in terms of their penetration depth to lowL. A radial diffusion‐convection model is applied for the two species with coefficients that are adjusted according to the mass‐dependent relativistic effects on electron and proton drift velocity, and the different loss mechanisms included for each species. Electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) wave scattering losses for 100s of keV protons during a specific event are modeled and quantified; the results suggest that EMIC waves interacting with protons of lower energies than electrons can contribute to prevent the inward transport of the protons.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available August 1, 2025
  2. Abstract

    Deep penetration of outer radiation belt electrons to lowL(<3.5) has long been recognized as an energy‐dependent phenomenon but with limited understanding. The Van Allen Probes measurements have clearly shown energy‐dependent electron penetration during geomagnetically active times, with lower energy electrons penetrating to lowerL. This study aims to improve our ability to model this phenomenon by quantitatively considering radial transport due to large‐scale azimuthal electric fields (E‐fields) as an energy‐dependent convection term added to a radial diffusion Fokker‐Planck equation. We use a modified Volland‐Stern model to represent the enhanced convection field at lowerLto match the observations of storm time values ofE‐field. We model 10–400 MeV/G electron phase space density with an energy‐dependent radial diffusion coefficient and this convection term and show that the model reproduces the observed deep penetrations well, suggesting that time‐variant azimuthalE‐fields contribute preferentially to the deep penetration of lower‐energy electrons.

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  3. Daedalus MASE (Mission Assessment through Simulation Exercise) is an open-source package of scientific analysis tools aimed at research in the Lower Thermosphere-Ionosphere (LTI). It was created with the purpose to assess the performance and demonstrate closure of the mission objectives of Daedalus, a mission concept targeting to performin-situmeasurements in the LTI. However, through its successful usage as a mission-simulator toolset, Daedalus MASE has evolved to encompass numerous capabilities related to LTI science and modeling. Inputs are geophysical observables in the LTI, which can be obtained either throughin-situmeasurements from spacecraft and rockets, or through Global Circulation Models (GCM). These include ion, neutral and electron densities, ion and neutral composition, ion, electron and neutral temperatures, ion drifts, neutral winds, electric field, and magnetic field. In the examples presented, these geophysical observables are obtained through NCAR’s Thermosphere-Ionosphere-Electrodynamics General Circulation Model. Capabilities of Daedalus MASE include: 1) Calculations of products that are derived from the above geophysical observables, such as Joule heating, energy transfer rates between species, electrical currents, electrical conductivity, ion-neutral collision frequencies between all combinations of species, as well as height-integrations of derived products. 2) Calculation and cross-comparison of collision frequencies and estimates of the effect of using different models of collision frequencies into derived products. 3) Calculation of the uncertainties of derived products based on the uncertainties of the geophysical observables, due to instrument errors or to uncertainties in measurement techniques. 4) Routines for the along-orbit interpolation within gridded datasets of GCMs. 5) Routines for the calculation of the global coverage of anin situmission in regions of interest and for various conditions of solar and geomagnetic activity. 6) Calculations of the statistical significance of obtaining the primary and derived products throughout anin situmission’s lifetime. 7) Routines for the visualization of 3D datasets of GCMs and of measurements along orbit. Daedalus MASE code is accompanied by a set of Jupyter Notebooks, incorporating all required theory, references, codes and plotting in a user-friendly environment. Daedalus MASE is developed and maintained at the Department for Electrical and Computer Engineering of the Democritus University of Thrace, with key contributions from several partner institutions.

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  4. Abstract

    During the 9 March 2018 event with two consecutive interplanetary shocks compressing the dayside magnetosphere, the azimuthal mode structure and frequency spectrum of ultra low frequency magnetic pulsations are resolved using a cross‐spectral analysis based on high‐fidelity multi‐probe Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission (MMS) magnetometer data. The results based on the MMS 4 and MMS 3 pair of measurements show that shock arrival leads to low mode () magnetic fluctuations in the Pc4‐5 regimes, and smaller spatial scale fluctuations implied by the dominant high mode numbers are observed after both shock signatures hit and passed the magnetosphere. Detailed evolution of the mode structure is also shown for the first shock to reveal the development of high mode structure from a bump‐on‐tail distribution atto a dominant peak atin about 10 min. In addition, an interesting change of sign infrom negative to positive is observed as MMS crosses ∼11 MLT pre‐noon, which is consistent with the picture of wave generation by dayside magnetopause compression and then anti‐sunward propagation. For both shocks, the contribution of higher frequency waves (Pc‐4 range compared with Pc‐5) to the total wave power is found to be negligible before and after the shock impact, but it becomes more significant during the shock impact.

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  5. Abstract

    Ultra‐low‐frequency (ULF) waves are known to radially diffuse hundreds‐keV to few‐MeV electrons in the magnetosphere, as the range of drift frequencies of such electrons overlaps with the frequencies of the waves, leading to resonant interactions. The theoretical framework for this process is described by analytic expressions of the resonant interactions between electrons and toroidal and poloidal ULF wave modes in a background magnetic field. However, most expressions estimate the radial diffusion rates based on estimates of the power of ULF waves that are obtained either from spacecraft close to the equatorial plane or from the ground. In this study, using multiyear measurements from the THEMIS and Arase missions, we present a statistical analysis of the distribution of ULF wave power in magnetic latitude and local time and show that the wave power of the radial and azimuthal components of the magnetic field increases away from the magnetic equator. Our result could have significant implications for the radial diffusion rates as currently estimated.

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  6. Abstract

    Multi‐MeV electron drift‐periodic flux oscillations observed in Earth's radiation belts indicate radial transport and energization/de‐energization of these radiation belt core populations. Using multi‐year Van Allen Probes observations, a statistical analysis is conducted to understand the characteristics of this phenomenon. The results show that most of these flux oscillations result from resonant interactions with broadband ultralow frequency (ULF) waves and are indicators of ongoing radial diffusion. The occurrence frequency of flux oscillations is higher during high solar wind speed/dynamic pressure and geomagnetically active times; however, a large number of them were still observed under mild to moderate solar wind/geomagnetic conditions. The occurrence frequency is also highest (up to ∼30%) at low L‐shells () under various geomagnetic activity, suggesting the general presence of broadband ULF waves and radial diffusion at low L‐shells even during geomagnetically quiet times and showing the critical role of the electron phase space density radial gradient in forming drift‐periodic flux oscillations.

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  7. Abstract

    Characterizing the azimuthal mode number,m, of ultralow‐frequency (ULF) waves is necessary for calculating radial diffusion of radiation belt electrons. A cross‐spectral technique is applied to the compressional Pc5 ULF waves observed by multiple pairs of GOES satellites to estimate the azimuthal mode structure during the 28‐31 May 2010 storm. We find that allowing for both positive and negativemis important to achieve a more realistic distribution of mode numbers and to resolve wave propagation direction. During the storm commencement when the solar wind dynamic pressure is high, ULF wave power is found to dominate at low‐mode numbers. An interesting change of sign inmoccurred around noon, which is consistent with the driving of ULF waves by solar wind buffeting around noon, creating antisunward wave propagation. The low‐mode ULF waves are also found to have a less global coverage in magnetic local time than previously assumed. In contrast, during the storm main phase and early recovery phase when the solar wind dynamic pressure is low and the auroral electrojet index is high, wave power is shown to be distributed over all modes from low to high. The high‐mode waves are found to cover a wider range of magnetic local time than what was previously assumed. Furthermore, to reduce the 2ambiguity in resolvingm, a cross‐pair analysis is performed on satellite field measurements for the first time, which is demonstrated to be effective in generating more reliable mode structure of ULF waves during high auroral electrojet periods.

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  8. Abstract

    Radiation belt electrons undergo frequent acceleration, transport, and loss processes under various physical mechanisms. One of the most prevalent mechanisms is radial diffusion, caused by the resonant interactions between energetic electrons and ULF waves in the Pc4‐5 band. An indication of this resonant interaction is believed to be the appearance of periodic flux oscillations. In this study, we report long‐lasting, drift‐periodic flux oscillations of relativistic and ultrarelativistic electrons with energies up to ∼7.7 MeV in the outer radiation belt, observed by the Van Allen Probes mission. During this March 2017 event, multi‐MeV electron flux oscillations at the electron drift frequency appeared coincidently with enhanced Pc5 ULF wave activity and lasted for over 10 h in the center of the outer belt. The amplitude of such flux oscillations is well correlated with the radial gradient of electron phase space density (PSD), with almost no oscillation observed near the PSD peak. The temporal evolution of the PSD radial profile also suggests the dominant role of radial diffusion in multi‐MeV electron dynamics during this event. By combining these observations, we conclude that these multi‐MeV electron flux oscillations are caused by the resonant interactions between electrons and broadband Pc5 ULF waves and are an indicator of the ongoing radial diffusion process during this event. They contain essential information of radial diffusion and have the potential to be further used to quantify the radial diffusion effects and aid in a better understanding of this prevailing mechanism.

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