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Creators/Authors contains: "Sheng, Qiwen"

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  1. We demonstrate the fabrication of fiber-optic Fabry–Perot interferometer (FPI) temperature sensors by bonding a small silicon diaphragm to the tip of an optical fiber using low melting point glass powders heated by a 980 nm laser on an aerogel substrate. The heating laser is delivered to the silicon FPI using an optical fiber, while the silicon temperature is being monitored using a 1550 nm white-light system, providing localized heating with precise temperature control. The use of an aerogel substrate greatly improves the heating efficiency by reducing the thermal loss of the bonding parts to the ambient environment. A desirable temperature for bonding can be achieved with relatively small heating laser power. The bonding process is carried out in an open space at room temperature for convenient optical alignment. The precise temperature control ensures minimum perturbation to the optical alignment and no induced thermal damage to the optical parts during the bonding process. For demonstration, we fabricated a low-finesse and high-finesse silicon FPI sensor and characterized their measurement resolution and temperature capability. The results show that the fabrication method has a good potential for high-precision fabrication of fiber-optic sensors.

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  2. Wavelength tracking is a commonly used method for demodulating fiber-optic Fabry–Perot interferometric sensors due to its high resolution and straightforward implementation. We report the observation of random spurious jumps in a commonly used wavelength-tracking method based on curve fitting. These jumps were unrelated to the phase ambiguity of the spectral fringes and led to measurement errors. We analyzed the origin of the spurious jumps through Monte Carlo simulations where the fringe valley positions were obtained using polynomial curve fittings. The simulation results show that the spurious jumps arose mainly from the systematic errors of the curve-fitting function for modeling the sensor spectrum and manifested themselves by the changes in the pixel set for curve fitting. The centroid method also suffered from the spurious jumps. We proposed a modified correlation demodulation method free of the spurious jumps. In this method, the information of the measurand was obtained through the correlation between the measured sensor spectral frames and a sufficiently large number of calibrated frames of the sensor over the measurement range. The simulation and experimental results show that the modified correlation method was free of the spurious jumps encountered in the regular wavelength tracking. The resolution of the method was also studied and compared with the curve-fitting method.

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  3. We theoretically study the spectral characteristics and noise performance of wavelength-interrogated fiber-optic sensors based on an extrinsic Fabry–Perot (FP) interferometer (EFPI) formed by thin metal mirrors. We develop a model and use it to analyze the effect of key sensor parameters on the visibility and spectral width of the sensors, including the beam width of the incident light, metal coating film thickness, FP cavity length, and wedge angle of the two mirrors. Through Monte Carlo simulations, we obtain an empirical equation that can be used to estimate the wavelength resolution from the visibility and spectral width, which can be used as a figure-of-merit that is inherent to the sensor and independent on the system noises. The work provides a useful tool for designing, constructing, and interrogating high-resolution fiber-optic EFPI sensors.

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  4. We report a fiber-optic silicon Fabry–Perot temperature sensor with high speed by considering the end conduction effect, which refers to the unwanted heat transfer between the sensing element and the fiber stub delaying the sensor from reaching thermal equilibrium with the ambient environment. The sensor is constructed by connecting the narrow edge surface of a thin silicon plate to the edge of the microtube attached to the fiber tip. Compared to the traditional design where the silicon plate is attached to the fiber end face on its large plate surface, the new sensor design minimizes the heat transfer path to the fiber stub for improved sensor speed. It has the additional benefit of increased cavity length for improved resolution. We show that, compared with the sensor of traditional design, the sensor of the new design shortened the characteristic response time in still air from 83 ms to 13 ms and improved the sensor resolution by a factor of 12, from 0.15 K to 0.012 K.

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