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Existing solutions to instance-level visual identification usually aim to learn faithful and discriminative feature extractors from offline training data and directly use them for the unseen online testing data. However, their performance is largely limited due to the severe distribution shifting issue between training and testing samples. Therefore, we propose a novel online group-metric adaptation model to adapt the offline learned identification models for the online data by learning a series of metrics for all sharing-subsets. Each sharing-subset is obtained from the proposed novel frequent sharing-subset mining module and contains a group of testing samples that share strong visual similarity relationships to each other. Furthermore, to handle potentially large-scale testing samples, we introduce self-paced learning (SPL) to gradually include samples into adaptation from easy to difficult which elaborately simulates the learning principle of humans. Unlike existing online visual identification methods, our model simultaneously takes both the sample-specific discriminant and the set-based visual similarity among testing samples into consideration. Our method is generally suitable to any off-the-shelf offline learned visual identification baselines for online performance improvement which can be verified by extensive experiments on several widely-used visual identification benchmarks.more » « less
null (Ed.)Supervised dimensionality reduction for sequence data learns a transformation that maps the observations in sequences onto a low-dimensional subspace by maximizing the separability of sequences in different classes. It is typically more challenging than conventional dimensionality reduction for static data, because measuring the separability of sequences involves non-linear procedures to manipulate the temporal structures. In this paper, we propose a linear method, called Order-preserving Wasserstein Discriminant Analysis (OWDA), and its deep extension, namely DeepOWDA, to learn linear and non-linear discriminative subspace for sequence data, respectively. We construct novel separability measures between sequence classes based on the order-preserving Wasserstein (OPW) distance to capture the essential differences among their temporal structures. Specifically, for each class, we extract the OPW barycenter and construct the intra-class scatter as the dispersion of the training sequences around the barycenter. The inter-class distance is measured as the OPW distance between the corresponding barycenters. We learn the linear and non-linear transformations by maximizing the inter-class distance and minimizing the intra-class scatter. In this way, the proposed OWDA and DeepOWDA are able to concentrate on the distinctive differences among classes by lifting the geometric relations with temporal constraints. Experiments on four 3D action recognition datasets show the effectiveness of OWDA and DeepOWDA.more » « less
Person Re-IDentification (P-RID), as an instance-level recognition problem, still remains challenging in computer vision community. Many P-RID works aim to learn faithful and discriminative features/metrics from offline training data and directly use them for the unseen online testing data. However, their performance is largely limited due to the severe data shifting issue between training and testing data. Therefore, we propose an online joint multi-metric adaptation model to adapt the offline learned P-RID models for the online data by learning a series of metrics for all the sharing-subsets. Each sharing-subset is obtained from the proposed novel frequent sharing-subset mining module and contains a group of testing samples which share strong visual similarity relationships to each other. Unlike existing online P-RID methods, our model simultaneously takes both the sample-specific discriminant and the set-based visual similarity among testing samples into consideration so that the adapted multiple metrics can refine the discriminant of all the given testing samples jointly via a multi-kernel late fusion framework. Our proposed model is generally suitable to any offline learned P-RID baselines for online boosting, the performance improvement by our model is not only verified by extensive experiments on several widely-used P-RID benchmarks (CUHK03, Market1501, DukeMTMC-reID and MSMT17) and state-of-the-art P-RID baselines but also guaranteed by the provided in-depth theoretical analyses.more » « less
Assessing action quality from videos has attracted growing attention in recent years. Most existing approaches usually tackle this problem based on regression algorithms, which ignore the intrinsic ambiguity in the score labels caused by multiple judges or their subjective appraisals. To address this issue, we propose an uncertainty-aware score distribution learning (USDL) approach for action quality assessment (AQA). Specifically, we regard an action as an instance associated with a score distribution, which describes the probability of different evaluated scores. Moreover, under the circumstance where fine-grained score labels are available (e.g., difficulty degree of an action or multiple scores from different judges), we further devise a multi-path uncertainty-aware score distributions learning (MUSDL) method to explore the disentangled components of a score. We conduct experiments on three AQA datasets containing various Olympic actions and surgical activities, where our approaches set new state-of-the-arts under the Spearman’s Rank Correlation.more » « less
Supervised dimensionality reduction for sequence data projects the observations in sequences onto a low-dimensional subspace to better separate different sequence classes. It is typically more challenging than conventional dimensionality reduction for static data, because measuring the separability of sequences involves non-linear procedures to manipulate the temporal structures. This paper presents a linear method, namely Order-preserving Wasserstein Discriminant Analysis (OWDA), which learns the projection by maximizing the inter-class distance and minimizing the intra-class scatter. For each class, OWDA extracts the order-preserving Wasserstein barycenter and constructs the intra-class scatter as the dispersion of the training sequences around the barycenter. The inter-class distance is measured as the order-preserving Wasserstein distance between the corresponding barycenters. OWDA is able to concentrate on the distinctive differences among classes by lifting the geometric relations with temporal constraints. Experiments show that OWDA achieves competitive results on three 3D action recognition datasets.more » « less
Existing visual instance retrieval (VIR) approaches attempt to learn a faithful global matching metric or discriminative feature embedding offline to cover enormous visual appearance variations, so as to directly use it online on various unseen probes for retrieval. However, their requirement for a huge set of positive training pairs is very demanding in practice and the performance is largely constrained for the unseen testing samples due to the severe data shifting issue. In contrast, this paper advocates a different paradigm: part of the learning can be performed online but with nominal costs, so as to achieve online metric adaptation for different query probes. By exploiting easily-available negative samples, we propose a novel solution to achieve the optimal local metric adaptation effectively and efficiently. The insight of our method is the local hard negative samples can actually provide tight constraints to fine tune the metric locally. Our local metric adaptation method is generally applicable to be used on top of any offline-learned baselines. In addition, this paper gives in-depth theoretical analyses of the proposed method to guarantee the reduction of the classification error both asymptotically and practically. Extensive experiments on various VIR tasks have confirmed our effectiveness and superiority.more » « less
Heatmap regression-based models have significantly advanced the progress of facial landmark detection. However, the lack of structural constraints always generates inaccurate heatmaps resulting in poor landmark detection performance. While hierarchical structure modeling methods have been proposed to tackle this issue, they all heavily rely on manually designed tree structures. The designed hierarchical structure is likely to be completely corrupted due to the missing or inaccurate prediction of landmarks. To the best of our knowledge, in the context of deep learning, no work before has investigated how to automatically model proper structures for facial landmarks, by discovering their inherent relations. In this paper, we propose a novel Hierarchical Structured Landmark Ensemble (HSLE) model for learning robust facial landmark detection, by using it as the structural constraints. Different from existing approaches of manually designing structures, our proposed HSLE model is constructed automatically via discovering the most robust patterns so HSLE has the ability to robustly depict both local and holistic landmark structures simultaneously. Our proposed HSLE can be readily plugged into any existing facial landmark detection baselines for further performance improvement. Extensive experimental results demonstrate our approach significantly outperforms the baseline by a large margin to achieve a state-of-the-art performance.more » « less