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  1. Many state-of-the-art ML results have been obtained by scaling up the number of parameters in existing models. However, parameters and activations for such large models often do not fit in the memory of a single accelerator device; this means that it is necessary to distribute training of large models over multiple accelerators. In this work, we propose PipeDream-2BW, a system that supports memory-efficient pipeline parallelism. PipeDream-2BW uses a novel pipelining and weight gradient coalescing strategy, combined with the double buffering of weights, to ensure high throughput, low memory footprint, and weight update semantics similar to data parallelism. In addition, PipeDream-2BW automatically partitions the model over the available hardware resources, while respecting hardware constraints such as memory capacities of accelerators and interconnect topologies. PipeDream-2BW can accelerate the training of large GPT and BERT language models by up to 20x with similar final model accuracy. 
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  2. Large language models have led to state-of-the-art accuracies across several tasks. However, training these models efficiently is challenging because: a) GPU memory capacity is limited, making it impossible to fit large models on even a multi-GPU server, and b) the number of compute operations required can result in unrealistically long training times. Consequently, new methods of model parallelism such as tensor and pipeline parallelism have been proposed. Unfortunately, naive usage of these methods leads to scaling issues at thousands of GPUs. In this paper, we show how tensor, pipeline, and data parallelism can be composed to scale to thousands of GPUs. We propose a novel interleaved pipelining schedule that can improve throughput by 10+% with memory footprint comparable to existing approaches. Our approach allows us to perform training iterations on a model with 1 trillion parameters at 502 petaFLOP/s on 3072 GPUs (per-GPU throughput of 52% of theoretical peak). 
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  3. We propose Clamor, a functional cluster computing framework that adds support for fine-grained, transparent access to global variables for distributed, data-parallel tasks. Clamor targets workloads that perform sparse accesses and updates within the bulk synchronous parallel execution model, a setting where the standard technique of broadcasting global variables is highly inefficient. Clamor implements a novel dynamic replication mechanism in order to enable efficient access to popular data regions on the fly, and tracks finegrained dependencies in order to retain the lineage-based fault tolerance model of systems like Spark. Clamor can integrate with existing Rust and C++ libraries to transparently distribute programs on the cluster. We show that Clamor is competitive with Spark in simple functional workloads and can improve performance significantly compared to custom systems on workloads that sparsely access large global variables: from 5x for sparse logistic regression to over 100x on distributed geospatial queries. 
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  4. Resource allocation problems in many computer systems can be formulated as mathematical optimization problems. However, finding exact solutions to these problems using off-the-shelf solvers is often intractable for large problem sizes with tight SLAs, leading system designers to rely on cheap, heuristic algorithms. We observe, however, that many allocation problems are granular: they consist of a large number of clients and resources, each client requests a small fraction of the total number of resources, and clients can interchangeably use different resources. For these problems, we propose an alternative approach that reuses the original optimization problem formulation and leads to better allocations than domain-specific heuristics. Our technique, Partitioned Optimization Problems (POP), randomly splits the problem into smaller problems (with a subset of the clients and resources in the system) and coalesces the resulting sub-allocations into a global allocation for all clients. We provide theoretical and empirical evidence as to why random partitioning works well. In our experiments, POP achieves allocations within 1.5% of the optimal with orders-of-magnitude improvements in runtime compared to existing systems for cluster scheduling, traffic engineering, and load balancing. 
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  5. Microsecond I/O will make data serialization a major bottleneck for datacenter applications. Serialization is fundamentally about data movement: serialization libraries coalesce and flatten in-memory data structures into a single transmittable buffer. CPU-based serialization approaches will hit a performance limit due to data movement overheads and be unable to keep up with modern networks. We observe that widely deployed NICs possess scatter-gather capabilities that can be re-purposed to accelerate serialization's core task of coalescing and flattening in-memory data structures. It is possible to build a completely zero-copy, zero-allocation serialization library with commodity NICs. Doing so introduces many research challenges, including using the hardware capabilities efficiently for a wide variety of non-uniform data structures, making application memory available for zero-copy I/O, and ensuring memory safety. 
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  6. null (Ed.)
    Specialized accelerators such as GPUs, TPUs, FPGAs, and custom ASICs have been increasingly deployed to train deep learning models. These accelerators exhibit heterogeneous performance behavior across model architectures. Existing schedulers for clusters of accelerators, which are used to arbitrate these expensive training resources across many users, have shown how to optimize for various multi-job, multiuser objectives, like fairness and makespan. Unfortunately, existing schedulers largely do not consider performance heterogeneity. In this paper, we propose Gavel, a heterogeneity-aware scheduler that systematically generalizes a wide range of existing scheduling policies. Gavel expresses these policies as optimization problems and then systematically transforms these problems into heterogeneity-aware versions using an abstraction we call effective throughput. Gavel then uses a round-based scheduling mechanism to ensure jobs receive their ideal allocation given the target scheduling policy. Gavel’s heterogeneity-aware policies allow a heterogeneous cluster to sustain higher input load, and improve end objectives such as makespan and average job completion time by 1.4⇥ and 3.5⇥ compared to heterogeneity-agnostic policies. 
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  7. null (Ed.)
    Cloud providers offer instances with similar compute capabilities (for example, instances with different generations of GPUs like K80s, P100s, V100s) across many regions, availability zones, and on-demand and spot markets, with prices governed independently by individual supplies and demands. In this paper, using machine learning model training as an example application, we explore the potential cost reductions possible by leveraging this cross-cloud instance market. We present quantitative results on how the prices of cloud instances change with time, and how total costs can be decreased by considering this dynamic pricing market. Our preliminary experiments show that a) the optimal instance choice for a model is dependent on both the objective (e.g., cost, time, or combination) and the model’s performance characteristics, b) the cost of moving training jobs between instances is cheap, c) jobs do not need to be preempted more frequently than once a day to leverage the benefits from spot instance price variations, and d) the cost of training a model can be decreased by as much as 3.5× compared to a static policy. We also look at contexts where users specify higherlevel objectives over collections of jobs, show examples of policies for these contexts, and discuss additional challenges involved in making these cost reductions viable. 
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  8. null (Ed.)
    We consider the problem of finding lower bounds on the I/O complexity of arbitrary computations in a two level memory hierarchy. Executions of complex computations can be formalized as an evaluation order over the underlying computation graph. However, prior methods for finding I/O lower bounds leverage the graph structures for specific problems (e.g matrix multiplication) which cannot be applied to arbitrary graphs. In this paper, we first present a novel method to bound the I/O of any computation graph using the first few eigenvalues of the graph’s Laplacian. We further extend this bound to the parallel setting. This spectral bound is not only efficiently computable by power iteration, but can also be computed in closed form for graphs with known spectra. We apply our spectral method to compute closed-form analytical bounds on two computation graphs (the Bellman-Held-Karp algorithm for the traveling salesman problem and the Fast Fourier Transform), as well as provide a probabilistic bound for random Erdős Rényi graphs. We empirically validate our bound on four computation graphs, and find that our method provides tighter bounds than current empirical methods and behaves similarly to previously published I/O bounds. 
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  9. null (Ed.)
    As specialized hardware accelerators such as GPUs become increasingly popular, developers are looking for ways to target these platforms with high-level APIs. One promising approach is kernel libraries such as PyTorch or cuML, which provide interfaces that mirror CPU-only counterparts such as NumPy or Scikit-Learn. Unfortunately, these libraries are hard to develop and to adopt incrementally: they only support a subset of their CPU equivalents, only work with datasets that fit in device memory, and require developers to reason about data placement and transfers manually. To address these shortcomings, we present a new approach called offload annotations (OAs) that enables heterogeneous GPU computing in existing workloads with few or no code modifications. An annotator annotates the types and functions in a CPU library with equivalent kernel library functions and provides an offloading API to specify how the inputs and outputs of the function can be partitioned into chunks that fit in device memory and transferred between devices. A runtime then maps existing CPU functions to equivalent GPU kernels and schedules execution, data transfers and paging. In data science workloads using CPU libraries such as NumPy and Pandas, OAs enable speedups of up to 1200⇥ and a median speedup of 6.3⇥ by transparently offloading functions to a GPU using existing kernel libraries. In many cases, OAs match the performance of handwritten heterogeneous implementations. Finally, OAs can automatically page data in these workloads to scale to datasets larger than GPU memory, which would need to be done manually with most current GPU libraries. 
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  10. null (Ed.)
    We present POSH, a framework that accelerates shell applications with I/O-heavy components, such as data analytics with command-line utilities. Remote storage such as networked filesystems can severely limit the performance of these applications: data makes a round trip over the network for relatively little computation at the client. Reducing the data movement by moving the code to the data can improve performance. POSH automatically optimizes unmodified I/O-intensive shell applications running over remote storage by offloading the I/O-intensive portions to proxy servers closer to the data. A proxy can run directly on a storage server, or on a machine closer to the storage layer than the client. POSH intercepts shell pipelines and uses metadata called annotations to decide where to run each command within the pipeline. We address three principal challenges that arise: an annotation language that allows POSH to understand which files a command will access, a scheduling algorithm that places commands to minimize data movement, and a system runtime to execute a distributed schedule but retain local semantics. We benchmark POSH on real shell pipelines such as image processing, network security analysis, log analysis, distributed system debugging, and git. We find that POSH provides speedups ranging from 1.6× to 15× compared to NFS, without requiring any modifications to the applications. 
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