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  1. Abstract

    Pyroelectric detectors are often broadband and require external filters for wavelength‐specific applications. This paper reports a tunable, narrowband, and lightweight pyroelectric infrared detector built upon a flexible membrane of As2S3−Ag−P(VDF‐TrFE) with subwavelength grating, which is capable of both on‐chip filtering and photopyroelectric energy conversion. The top surface of this hybrid membrane is a corrugated As2S3−Ag film contributing to narrowband light absorption in the near‐infrared (NIR) regime, and the bottom part is a polyvinylidene fluoride‐trifluoroethylene (PVDF‐TrFE) membrane for the conversion of the absorbed light to an electrical signal. Uniquely, applying a bias voltage to the PVDF‐TrFE membrane enables the tuning of the device's absorption and pyroelectric characteristics owing to the piezoelectrically induced mechanical bending. The resonator exhibited a resonant absorption coefficient of 80% and a full‐width‐half‐maximum of 15 nm within the NIR, a responsivity of 1.4 mV mW−1, and an equivalent noise power of 13 µW Hz−1/2at 1560 nm. By applying a 15‐V bias to the PVDF‐TrFE membrane, the absorption coefficient decreased to 18% due to the change in the grating period and incident angle. The narrowband and tunable features of the As2S3−Ag−P(VDF‐TrFE) pyroelectric detector will benefit a variety of potential applications in sensors, optical spectroscopy, and imaging.

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  2. Abstract

    Nucleic acid tests have been widely used for diagnosis of diseases by detecting the relevant genetic markers that are usually amplified using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). This work reports the use of a plasmonic device as an efficient and low‐cost PCR thermocycler to facilitate nucleic acid‐based diagnosis. The thermoplasmonic device, consisting of a one‐dimensional metal grating, exploited the strong light absorption of plasmonic resonance modes to heat up PCR reagents using a near‐infrared laser source. The plasmonic device also integrated a thin‐film thermocouple on the metal grating to monitor the sample temperature. The plasmonic thermocycler is capable of performing a PCR amplification cycle in ~2.5 minutes. We successfully demonstrated the multiplex and real‐time PCR amplifications of the antibiotic resistance genes using the genomic DNAs extracted fromAcinetobacter baumannii,Klebsiella pneumonia,Escherichia coliandCampylobacter.

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  3. Abstract

    Here, a wavelength‐specific photo‐thermoelectric (PTE) device is reported that achieves narrowband optical absorption and thermoelectric conversion functions using a stack of thin films on a grating‐patterned substrate. Conventional PTE devices are broadband with the absorption of electromagnetic radiation from ultraviolet to terahertz. There are demands for PTE devices that can exhibit narrowband response at a desired wavelength. Here, the narrowband PTE device consists of a photonic crystal (PC) filter with metal cladding and a thin‐film thermocouple. The PC‐PTE design is investigated numerically to illustrate the underlying energy conversion mechanism. The device is fabricated using nanoreplica molding followed by coating of thin films. The fabricated metal‐cladding PC resonator exhibits a narrowband optical absorption with a resonant absorption coefficient of 85.4% and full‐width‐half‐maximum of 14.8 nm in the visible wavelength range. The PTE measurements show that the thermoelectric output is sensitive to the coupling of incident light and guided‐mode resonance modes. Illuminated under the resonant condition, the PTE device exhibits a responsivity and noise equivalent power of 0.26 V W−1and 7.5 nW Hz−1/2, respectively. This PC‐PTE technology has the unique attributes of narrowband detection, large surface area, and low cost for the potential application in sensors, optical spectroscopy, and imaging.

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  4. A plasmon-enhanced pyroelectric membrane was applied to control the current flow in a graphene transistor for light detection. The graphene transistor was built on a free-standing, 15-μm-thick PVDF membrane, which was doped using gold nanorods to facilitate its optical absorption. Under the resonant condition, the device exhibited a responsivity of 0.79 μA/mW.

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  5. Exosomes have been considered as high-quality biomarkers for disease diagnosis, as they are secreted by cells into extracellular environments as nanovesicles with rich and unique molecular information, and can be isolated and enriched from clinical samples. However, most existing exosome assays, to date, require time-consuming isolation and purification procedures; the detection specificity and sensitivity are also in need of improvement for the realization of exosome-based disease diagnostics. This paper reports a unique exosome assay technology that enables completing both magnetic nanoparticle (MNP)-based exosome extraction and high-sensitivity photonic crystal (PC)-based label-free exosome detection in a single miniature vessel within one hour, while providing an improved sensitivity and selectivity. High specificity of the assay to membrane antigens is realized by functionalizing both the MNPs and the PC with specific antibodies. A low limit of detection on the order of 10 7 exosome particles per milliliter (volume) is achieved because the conjugated MNP–exosome nanocomplexes offer a larger index change on the PC surface, compared to the exosomes alone without using MNPs. Briefly, the single-step exosome assay involves (i) forming specific MNP–exosome nanocomplexes to enrich exosomes from complex samples directly on the PC surface at the bottom of the vessel, with a >500 enrichment factor, and (ii) subsequently, performing in situ quantification of the nanocomplexes using the PC biosensor. The present exosome assay method is validated in analyzing multiple membrane proteins of exosomes derived from murine macrophage cells with high selectivity and sensitivity, while requiring only about one hour. This assay technology will provide great potential for exosome-based disease diagnostics. 
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  6. null (Ed.)
    One of the challenges of exploiting extracellular vesicles (EVs) as a disease biomarker is to differentiate EVs released by similar cell types or phenotypes. This paper reports a high-throughput and label-free EV microarray technology to differentiate EVs by simultaneous characterization of a panel of EV membrane proteins. The EsupplV microarray platform, which consists of an array of antibodies printed on a photonic crystal biosensor and a microscopic hyperspectral imaging technique, can rapidly assess the binding of the EV membrane proteins with their corresponding antibodies. The EV microarray assay requires only a 2 μL sample volume and a detection time of less than 2 h. The EV microarray assay was validated by not only quantifying seven membrane proteins carried by macrophage-derived EVs but also distinguishing the EVs secreted by three macrophage phenotypes. In particular, the EV microarray technology can generate a molecular fingerprint of target EVs that can be used to identify the EVs' parental cells, and thus has utility for basic science research as well as for point-of-care disease diagnostics and therapeutics. 
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