Transitions in phytoplankton community composition are typically attributed to ecological succession even in physically dynamic upwelling systems like the California Current Ecosystem (CCE). An expected succession from a high‐chlorophyll (~ 10
- 10100947
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Water
- Volume:
- 11
- Issue:
- 2
- 2073-4441
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- 222
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Abstract μ g L−1) diatom‐dominated assemblage to a low‐chlorophyll (< 1.0μ g L−1) non‐diatom dominated assemblage was observed during a 2013 summer upwelling event in the CCE. Using an interdisciplinary field‐based space‐for‐time approach leveraging both biogeochemical rate measurements and metatranscriptomics, we suggest that this successional pattern was driven primarily by physical processes. An annually recurring mesoscale eddy‐like feature transported significant quantities of high‐phytoplankton‐biomass coastal water offshore. Chlorophyll was diluted during transport, but diatom contributions to phytoplankton biomass and activity (49–62% observed) did not decline to the extent predicted by dilution (18–24% predicted). Under the space‐for‐time assumption, these trends infer diatom biomass and activity and were stimulated during transport. This is hypothesized to result from decreased contact rates with mortality agents (e.g., viruses) and release from nutrient limitation (confirmed by rate data nearshore), as predicted by the Disturbance‐Recovery hypothesis of phytoplankton bloom formation. Thus, the end point taxonomic composition and activity of the phytoplankton assemblage being transported by the eddy‐like feature were driven by physical processes (mixing) affecting physiological (release from nutrient limitation, increased growth) and ecological (reduced mortality) factors that favored the persistence of the nearshore diatoms during transit. The observed connection between high‐diatom‐biomass coastal waters and non‐diatom‐dominated offshore waters supports the proposed mechanisms for this recurring eddy‐like feature moving seed populations of coastal phytoplankton offshore and thereby sustaining their activity. -
null (Ed.)Changes in mixing regimes and CO2 availability may promote harmful cyanobacterial blooms in polymictic lakes and ponds globally, but the underlying mechanisms still remain unclear. We integrated results from a natural experiment comprising an average-wet year (2011) and one with heat waves (2012), a long-term meteorological dataset (1960–2010), historical phosphorus concentrations and corresponding sedimentary pigment records, to determine, on different temporal scales, the mechanistic controls of cyanobacterial blooms in a eutrophic polymictic lake. Intense warming in 2012 was associated with: 1) increased stability of the water column with buoyancy frequencies exceeding 40 cph at the surface, 2) high phytoplankton biomass in spring (up to 125 mg WW L-1), 3) reduced downward transport of heat and 4) persistently depleted epilimnetic CO2 concentrations. CO2 depletion was effectively maintained by intense uptake by phytoplankton (influx up to 30 mmol m-2 d-1) in combination with reduced carbon inputs from the watershed during dry periods. Under eutrophic conditions these effects triggered massive bloom of buoyant cyanobacteria (up to 300 mg WW L-1). Complementary evidence from polynomial regression modelling using long-term datasets revealed that warming is the most important predictor of cyanobacterial abundance during the second half of the last century explaining 78% of the observed positive trend, whereas phosphorus concentration explained only 10% thereof. Together the results from the interannual comparison and the multi-decadal record indicate that hotter and drier climates increase water column stratification and decrease CO2 availability in eutrophic polymictic lakes. This combination catalyzes blooms of buoyant cyanobacteria.more » « less
Abstract Arid subtropical climates often oscillate between drought and wet conditions, leading to a “flood or famine” paradigm for estuarine freshwater inflow, in which sporadic storm events drive dynamic changes in salinity and nutrient availability. Transitioning from prolonged drought to wet conditions can impact phytoplankton communities. The Mission‐Aransas Estuary, located on the south Texas coast, transitioned from a 5‐yr drought (2010–2015) to wet conditions (2015–2020), punctuated by several large flood events and the direct impact of category 4 Hurricane Harvey. Using an 8‐yr bimonthly sample set (2012–2019), we evaluated particulate organic carbon, chlorophyll
a , nutrient concentrations, and accessory pigments to characterize the response of the phytoplankton community to these climate events. We found that phytoplankton biomass was diminished during severe drought and increased during prolonged wet conditions. The phytoplankton community switched from being diatom‐dominated during drought to cyanobacteria‐dominated following estuarine freshening, driven by lower salinity and increased nutrient availability. Seasonal fluctuations between taxa persisted regardless of climate condition. The drought‐to‐wet transition prompted a regime shift of the estuarine phytoplankton community to a new quasi‐steady state in the studied estuary. Globally, changing climate regimes may cause longer periods of extreme drought or wet conditions for estuarine systems. Detailed, long‐term ecosystem monitoring is necessary to fully evaluate ecological responses to extreme weather events, especially links between biogeochemical cycling and ecosystem function. These results suggest that oscillations between distinct wet and dry periods have lasting effects on primary productivity, phytoplankton community composition, and organic matter cycling in subtropical estuaries with long residence times. -
Abstract Some biological invasions can result in algae blooms in the nearshore of clear lakes. We studied if an invasive crayfish (
Pacifastacus leniusculus ) modified the biomass and community composition of benthic macroinvertebrates and therefore led to a trophic cascade resulting in increased periphyton biomass, elevated littoral primary productivity, and benthic algae bloom in a lake with remarkable transparency [Crater Lake, Oregon, USA]. After quantifying the changes in the spatial distribution of invasive crayfish over a 13-year period, we compared biomass and community composition of littoral–benthic macroinvertebrates, periphyton biovolume, community composition, nutrient limitation, and the development of benthic algae bloom in locations with high and low crayfish density. In addition, we determined if the alteration in community structure resulted in directional changes to gross primary production and ecosystem respiration. The extent of crayfish distribution along the shoreline of Crater Lake doubled over a 13-year period, leaving less than 20% of the shoreline free from crayfish. At high crayfish density sites, benthic macroinvertebrate biomass was 99% lower, and taxa richness was 50% lower than at low crayfish areas. High crayfish sites show tenfold greater periphyton biovolume, sixfold higher periphyton biomass (chlorophylla ), twofold higher metabolic productivity, and the presence of large filamentous algae (Cladophora sp.). The invasion of crayfish had negative consequences for a lake protected under the management of the USA National Park Service, with direct impacts on many levels of ecological organization. -
Abstract Understanding how nutrient limitation affects algal biomass and production is a long‐standing interest in aquatic ecology. Nutrients can influence these whole‐community characteristics through several mechanisms, including shifting community composition. Therefore, incorporating the joint responses of biomass, taxonomic composition, and production of algal communities, and relationships among them, is important for understanding effects of nutrient enrichment.
In shallow subarctic Lake Mývatn, Iceland, benthic algae compose a majority of whole‐lake primary production, support high secondary production, and influence nutrient cycling. Given the importance of these ecosystem processes, the factors that limit benthic algae have a large effect on the function and dynamics of the Mývatn system.
In a 33‐day nutrient enrichment experiment conducted in Lake Mývatn, we measured the joint responses of benthic algal biomass, primary production, and composition to nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) supplementation. We enriched N and P using nutrient‐diffusing agar overlain by sediment, with three levels of N and P that were crossed in a factorial design.
We found little evidence of community‐wide nutrient limitation, as chlorophyll‐
a concentrations showed a negligible response to nutrients. Gross primary production (GPP ) was unaffected by P and inhibited by N enrichment after 10 days, although the inhibitory effect of N diminished by day 33.In contrast to biomass and primary production, community composition was strongly affected by N and marginally affected by P, with some algal groups increasing and others decreasing with enrichment. The taxa with the most negative and positive responses to N enrichment were Fragilariaceae and
Scenedesmus , respectively.The abundances of particular algal groups, based on standardised cell counts, were related to
GPP measured at the end of the experiment.Oocystis was negatively associated withGPP but was unaffected by N or P, while Fragilariaceae andScenedesmus were positively associated withGPP but had opposite responses to N. As a result, nutrient‐induced compositional shifts did not alterGPP .Overall, our results show that nutrient enrichment can have large effects on algal community composition while having little effect on total biomass and primary production. Our study suggests that nutrient‐driven compositional shifts may not alter the overall ecological function of algal communities if (1) taxa have contrasting responses to nutrient enrichment but have similar effects on ecological processes, and/or (2) taxa that have strong influences on ecological function are not strongly affected by nutrients.