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Title: An integrative perspective to LQ and L-infinity control for delayed and quantized systems
Deterministic and stochastic approaches to handle uncertainties may incur very different complexities in computation and memory, in addition to different uncertainty models. For linear systems with delay and rate constrained communications between the observer and controller, previous work shows that the deterministic approach l_infty control has low complexity but only handles bounded disturbance. In this paper, we take a stochastic approach and propose an LQ controller that can handle arbitrarily large disturbance but has large complexity in time/space. The differences in robustness and complexity of the l_infty and LQ controllers motivate the design of a hybrid controller that interpolates between the two: The l_infty controller is applied when the disturbance is not too large (normal mode) and the LQ controller is resorted to otherwise (acute mode). We characterize the switching behavior between the normal and acute modes. Using theoretical bounds and supplementary numerical experiments, we show that the hybrid controller can achieve a sweet spot in robustness-complexity tradeoff, ie, reject occasional large disturbance while operating with low complexity most of the time.  more » « less
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IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
early access
Page Range / eLocation ID:
1 to 1
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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