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Title: An Evaluation of One-Class Feature Selection and Classification for Zero-Day Android Malware Detection
Security has become a serious problem for Android system as the number of Android malware increases rapidly. A great amount of effort has been devoted to protect Android devices against the threats of malware. Majority of the existing work use two-class classification methods which suffer the overfitting problem due to the lack of malicious samples. This will result in poor performance of detecting zero-day malware attacks. In this paper, we evaluated the performance of various one-class feature selection and classification methods for zero-day Android malware detection. Unlike two-class methods, one-class methods only use benign samples to build the detection model which overcomes the overfitting problem. Our results demonstrate the capability of the one-class methods over the two-class methods in detecting zero-day Android malware attacks.  more » « less
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New generation
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Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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