- 10349195
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Environmental Biology of Fishes
- 0378-1909
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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The recreational flats fishery (bonefish, tarpon, and permit) in South Florida is economically and culturally important and has declined recently for unknown reasons. Biscayne Bay is a shallow subtropical lagoon system with a flats fishery bordered by a large urban center. The Bay also supports commercial fisheries, including the pink shrimp bait and food fisheries. These two shrimp fisheries represent Biscayne Bay’s most valuable fisheries, but how these fisheries interact with the recreational flats fishery is relatively unknown. We conducted a literature review to identify the potential direct and indirect effects of the two shrimp fisheries on the recreational flats fishery in the Bay. Our review found that there are likely minimal impacts of the Biscayne Bay pink shrimp fisheries on the flats fishery in Biscayne Bay since (a) the species are not caught by shrimping gear, (b) the shrimp fishery removes less than 10% of the Bay’s shrimp population, and (c) damage to seagrass is minimal (but hardbottom is damaged). Yet, the potential for indirect prey removal cannot be ruled out and requires quantification with additional diet data, food web, and mass balance models.more » « less
Abstract In this essay, we explore the idea that slow social change may cause degradation of the open access equilibrium in recreational fisheries. An existing bioeconomic model illustrates how three social quantities in the recreational fisheries social–ecological system—the marginal cost of fishing effort, catchability, and the relative importance of catch and effort to angler utility—influence equilibrium fish abundance. We speculate that slow directional changes in all three of these quantities may be common, driving gradual declines in abundance that may be difficult to detect. We present limited evidence in support of this speculation, highlight the need for further empirical work, and discuss the implications of slow social change for resilient management of recreational fisheries in a changing world.
Abstract Recreational fisheries have high economic worth, valued at US$190 billion globally. An important, but underappreciated, secondary value of recreational catch is its role as a source of food. This contribution is poorly understood due to difficulty in estimating recreational harvest at spatial scales beyond a single system, as traditionally estimated from individual creel surveys. Here, we address this gap using 28-year creel surveys of ~300 Wisconsin inland lakes. We develop a statistical model of recreational harvest for individual lakes and then scale-up to unsurveyed lakes (3,769 lakes; 73% of statewide lake surface area). We generate a statewide estimate of recreational lake harvest of ~4,200 metric tons and an estimated annual angler consumption rate of ~1.1 kg, nearly equal to the total estimated United States per capita freshwater fish consumption. An important ecosystem service, recreational harvest makes significant contributions to human diets and plays an often-unheralded role in food security.
null (Ed.)Narragansett Bay (Rhode Island, USA) is an estuary undergoing changes from a combination of rising water temperatures, nutrient fluxes, and human uses. In this study, we created an ecosystem food web model and evaluated its ability to predict functional group biomasses. Specifically, we used Ecopath to construct 2 mass-balanced models covering different time periods in Narragansett Bay: a historical model using data from 1994-1998 and a present-day model that represents 2014-2018. With the historical model as a starting point, we used Ecosim fit to time series data and projected forward to present-day values, forcing the model with both phytoplankton biomass and fishing mortality. The biomass of most mid- and upper trophic level groups increased by 2018, with the exception of carnivorous benthos, which experienced a large decline. There were changes in the composition of fisheries, with a large increase in recreational benthivorous fish landings and a decrease in commercial landings of planktivorous fish and suspension feeding benthos. The inclusion of fishing mortality and phytoplankton biomass as forcing functions, as well as adjusting the vulnerability levels of prey, greatly improved our model fits for all functional groups with the exception of gelatinous zooplankton. Our ecosystem model was able to correctly predict the direction of change for all fish and fished invertebrate groups with a relatively high degree of precision, particularly for the upper trophic levels. Thus, this ecosystem model is broadly applicable and suitable to project trends in the Narragansett Bay food web associated with localized and adaptive ecosystem-based management.more » « less
Abstract The 2010
Deepwater Horizon (DwH ) disaster challenged the integrity of the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) large‐marine ecosystem at unprecedented scales, prompting concerns of devastating injury for GOM fisheries in the post‐spill decade. Following the catastrophe, projected economic losses for regional commercial, recreational, and mariculture sectors for the decade after oiling were US$3.7–8.7 billion overall, owing to the vulnerability of economically prized, primarily nearshore taxa that support fishing communities. State and federal fisheries data during 2000–2017 indicated that GOM fishery sectors appeared to serve as remarkable anchors of resilience following the largest accidental marine oil spill in human history. Evidence of post‐disaster impacts on fisheries economies was negligible. Rather, GOM commercial sales during 2010–2017 were US$0.8–1.5 billion above forecasts derived using pre‐spill (2000–2009) trajectories, while pre‐ and post‐spill recreational fishery trends did not differ appreciably. No post‐spill shifts in target species or effort distribution across states were apparent to explain these findings. Unraveling the mechanisms for this unforeseen stability represents an important avenue for understanding the vulnerability or resilience of human–natural systems to future disturbances. FollowingDwH , the causes for fishery responses are likely multifaceted and complex (including exogenous economic forces that typically affect fisheries‐dependent data), but appear partially explained by the relative ecological stability of coastal fishery assemblages despite widespread oiling, which has been corroborated by multiple fishery‐independent surveys across the northern GOM. Additionally, we hypothesize that damage payments to fishermen led to acquisition or retooling of commercial fisheries infrastructure, and subsequent rises in harvest effort. Combined, these social–ecological dynamics likely aided recovery of stressed coastal GOM communities in the years afterDwH , although increased fishing pressure in the post‐spill era may have consequences for future GOM ecosystem structure, function, and resilience.