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Title: Assessing the Potential of Deep Learning for Emulating Cloud Superparameterization in Climate Models With Real‐Geography Boundary Conditions

We explore the potential of feed‐forward deep neural networks (DNNs) for emulating cloud superparameterization in realistic geography, using offline fits to data from the superparameterized community atmospheric model. To identify the network architecture of greatest skill, we formally optimize hyperparameters using ∼250 trials. Our DNN explains over 70% of the temporal variance at the 15‐min sampling scale throughout the mid‐to‐upper troposphere. Autocorrelation timescale analysis compared against DNN skill suggests the less good fit in the tropical, marine boundary layer is driven by neural network difficulty emulating fast, stochastic signals in convection. However, spectral analysis in the temporal domain indicates skillful emulation of signals on diurnal to synoptic scales. A closer look at the diurnal cycle reveals correct emulation of land‐sea contrasts and vertical structure in the heating and moistening fields, but some distortion of precipitation. Sensitivity tests targeting precipitation skill reveal complementary effects of adding positive constraints versus hyperparameter tuning, motivating the use of both in the future. A first attempt to force an offline land model with DNN emulated atmospheric fields produces reassuring results further supporting neural network emulation viability in real‐geography settings. Overall, the fit skill is competitive with recent attempts by sophisticated Residual and Convolutional Neural Network architectures trained on added information, including memory of past states. Our results confirm the parameterizability of superparameterized convection with continents through machine learning and we highlight the advantages of casting this problem locally in space and time for accurate emulation and hopefully quick implementation of hybrid climate models.

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Award ID(s):
1835863 1734164 1633631
Author(s) / Creator(s):
 ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  
Publisher / Repository:
DOI PREFIX: 10.1029
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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