First-order phase transitions produce abrupt changes to the character of both ground and excited electronic states. Here we conduct electronic compressibility measurements to map the spin phase diagram and Landau level (LL) energies of monolayerin a magnetic field. We resolve a sequence of first-order phase transitions between completely spin-polarized LLs and states with LLs of both spins. Unexpectedly, the LL gaps are roughly constant over a wide range of magnetic fields below the transitions, which we show reflects spin-polarized ground states with opposite spin excitations. These transitions also extend into compressible regimes, with a sawtooth boundary between full and partial spin polarization. We link these observations to the important influence of LL filling on the exchange energy beyond a smooth density-dependent contribution. Our results show thatrealizes a unique hierarchy of energy scales where such effects induce reentrant magnetic phase transitions tuned by density and magnetic field.
The nontrivial topology of spin systems such as skyrmions in real space can promote complex electronic states. Here, we provide a general viewpoint at the emergence of topological spectral gaps in spin systems based on the methods of noncommutative-theory. By realizing that the structure of the observable algebra of spin textures is determined by the algebraic properties of the noncommutative torus, we arrive at a unified understanding of topological electronic states which we predict to arise in various noncollinear setups. The power of our approach lies in an ability to categorize emergent topological states algebraically without referring to smooth real- or reciprocal-space quantities. This opens a way towards an educated design of topological phases in aperiodic, disordered, or nonsmooth textures of spins and charges containing topological defects.
- 10555583
- Publisher / Repository:
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Physical Review Research
- Volume:
- 6
- Issue:
- 1
- 2643-1564
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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