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Context. The detection of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in high-redshift luminous quasars may require a phase of rapid accretion, and as a precondition, substantial gas influx toward seed black holes (BHs) from kiloparsec or parsec scales. Our previous research demonstrated the plausibility of such gas supply for BH seeds within star-forming giant molecular clouds (GMCs) with high surface density (∼104 M⊙ pc−2), facilitating “hyper-Eddington” accretion via efficient feeding by dense clumps, which are driven by turbulence and stellar feedback.Aims. This article presents an investigation of the impacts of feedback from accreting BHs on this process, including radiation, mechanical jets, and highly relativistic cosmic rays.Methods. We ran a suite of numerical simulations to explore diverse parameter spaces of BH feedback, including the subgrid accretion model, feedback energy efficiency, mass loading factor, and initial metallicity.Results. Using radiative feedback models inferred from the slim disk, we find that hyper-Eddington accretion is still achievable, yielding BH bolometric luminosities of as high as 1041 − 1044 erg/s, depending on the GMC properties and specific feedback model assumed. We find that the maximum possible mass growth of seed BHs (ΔM maxBH) is regulated by the momentum-deposition rate from BH feedback,ṗ feedback/(Ṁ BHc ), which leads to an analytic scaling that agrees well with simulations. This scenario predicts the rapid formation of ∼104M⊙intermediate-massive BHs (IMBHs) from stellar-mass BHs within ∼1 Myr. Furthermore, we examine the impacts of subgrid accretion models and how BH feedback may influence star formation within these cloud complexes.Free, publicly-accessible full text available November 1, 2025 -
Abstract The physical mechanisms responsible for bar formation and destruction in galaxies remain a subject of debate. While we have gained valuable insight into how bars form and evolve from isolated idealized simulations, in the cosmological domain, galactic bars evolve in complex environments, with mergers and gas accretion events occurring in the presence of the turbulent interstellar medium with multiple star formation episodes, in addition to coupling with their host galaxies’ dark matter halos. We investigate the bar formation in 13 Milky Way–mass galaxies from the Feedback in Realistic Environments (FIRE-2) cosmological zoom-in simulations. 8 of the 13 simulated galaxies form bars at some point during their history: three from tidal interactions and five from internal evolution of the disk. The bars in FIRE-2 are generally shorter than the corotation radius (mean bar radius ∼1.53 kpc), have a wide range of pattern speeds (36–97 km s−1kpc−1), and live for a wide range of dynamical times (2–160 bar rotations). We find that the bar formation in FIRE-2 galaxies is influenced by satellite interactions and the stellar-to-dark-matter mass ratio in the inner galaxy, but neither is a sufficient condition for bar formation. Bar formation is more likely to occur, with the bars formed being stronger and longer-lived, if the disks are kinematically cold; galaxies with high central gas fractions and/or vigorous star formation, on the other hand, tend to form weaker bars. In the case of the FIRE-2 galaxies, these properties combine to produce ellipsoidal bars with strengths
A 2/A 0∼ 0.1–0.2.Free, publicly-accessible full text available December 24, 2025 -
Abstract Stellar feedback influences the star formation rate (SFR) and the interstellar medium of galaxies in ways that are difficult to quantify numerically, because feedback is an essential ingredient of realistic simulations. To overcome this, we conduct a feedback-halting experiment starting with a Milky Way–mass galaxy in the second-generation Feedback In Realistic Environments (FIRE-2) simulation framework. By terminating feedback, and comparing to a simulation in which feedback is maintained, we monitor how the runs diverge. We find that without feedback, the interstellar turbulent velocities decay. There is a marked increase of dense material, while the SFR increases by over an order of magnitude. Importantly, this SFR boost is a factor of ∼15–20 larger than is accounted for by the increased freefall rate caused by higher densities. This implies that feedback moderates the star formation efficiency per freefall time more directly than simply through the density distribution. To probe changes at the scale of giant molecular clouds (GMCs), we identify GMCs using density and virial parameter thresholds, tracking clouds as the galaxy evolves. Halting feedback stimulates rapid changes, including a proliferation of new bound clouds, a decrease of turbulent support in loosely bound clouds, an overall increase in cloud densities, and a surge of internal star formation. Computing the cloud-integrated SFR using several theories of turbulence regulation, we show that these theories underpredict the surge in SFR by at least a factor of 3. We conclude that galactic star formation is essentially feedback regulated on scales that include GMCs, and that stellar feedback affects GMCs in multiple ways.
Free, publicly-accessible full text available September 1, 2025 -
Abstract Feedback from supermassive black holes is believed to be a critical driver of the observed color bimodality of galaxies above the Milky Way mass scale. Active galactic nuclei (AGN) feedback has been modeled in many galaxy formation simulations, but most implementations have involved simplified prescriptions or a coarse-grained interstellar medium (ISM). We present the first set of Feedback In Realistic Environments (FIRE)-3 cosmological zoom-in simulations with AGN feedback evolved to
z ∼ 0, examining the impact of AGN feedback on a set of galaxies with halos in the mass range 1012–1013M ⊙. These simulations combine detailed stellar and ISM physics with multichannel AGN feedback including radiative feedback, mechanical outflows, and, in some simulations, cosmic rays (CRs). We find that massive (>L *) galaxies in these simulations can match local scaling relations including the stellar mass–halo mass relation and theM BH–σ relation; in the stronger model with CRs, they also match the size–mass relation and the Faber–Jackson relation. Many of the massive galaxies in the simulations with AGN feedback have quenched star formation and elliptical morphologies, in qualitative agreement with observations. In contrast, simulations at the massive end without AGN feedback produce galaxies that are too massive and form stars too rapidly, are order-of-magnitude too compact, and have velocity dispersions well above Faber–Jackson. Despite these successes, the AGN models analyzed do not produce uniformly realistic galaxies when the feedback parameters are held constant: While the stronger model produces the most realistic massive galaxies, it tends to overquench the lower-mass galaxies. This indicates that further refinements of the AGN modeling are needed.Free, publicly-accessible full text available September 27, 2025 -
Abstract We analyze the first cosmological baryonic zoom-in simulations of galaxies in dissipative self-interacting dark matter (dSIDM). The simulations utilize the FIRE-2 galaxy formation physics with the inclusion of dissipative dark matter self-interactions modeled as a constant fractional energy dissipation (
f diss= 0.75). In this paper, we examine the properties of dwarf galaxies withM *∼ 105–109M ⊙in both isolation and within Milky Way–mass hosts. For isolated dwarfs, we find more compact galaxy sizes and promotion of disk formation in dSIDM with (σ /m ) ≤ 1 cm2g−1. On the contrary, models with (σ /m ) = 10 cm2g−1produce puffier stellar distributions that are in tension with the observed size–mass relation. In addition, owing to the steeper central density profiles, the subkiloparsec circular velocities of isolated dwarfs when (σ /m ) ≥ 0.1 cm2g−1are enhanced by about a factor of 2, which are still consistent with the kinematic measurements of Local Group dwarfs but in tension with the Hi rotation curves of more massive field dwarfs. Meanwhile, for satellites of Milky Way–mass hosts, the median circular velocity profiles are marginally affected by dSIDM physics, but dSIDM may help promote the structural diversity of dwarf satellites. The number of satellites is slightly enhanced in dSIDM, but the differences are small compared with the large host-to-host variations. In conclusion, the dSIDM models with (σ /m ) ≳ 0.1 cm2g−1,f diss= 0.75 are in tension in massive dwarfs (M halo∼ 1011M ⊙) due to circular velocity constraints. However, models with lower effective cross sections (at this halo mass/velocity scale) are still viable and can produce nontrivial observable signatures.Free, publicly-accessible full text available April 30, 2025 -
Abstract We make an in-depth analysis of different active galactic nuclei (AGN) jet models’ signatures, inducing quiescence in galaxies with a halo mass of 1012
M ⊙. Three jet models, including cosmic-ray-dominant, hot thermal, and precessing kinetic jets, are studied at two energy flux levels each, compared to a jet-free, stellar feedback-only simulation. Each of our simulations is idealized isolated galaxy simulations with AGN jet powers that are constant in time and generated using GIZMO and with FIRE stellar feedback. We examine the distribution of Mgii , Ovi , and Oviii ions, alongside gas temperature and density profiles. Low-energy ions, like Mgii , concentrate in the interstellar medium (ISM), while higher energy ions, e.g., Oviii , prevail at the AGN jet cocoon’s edge. High-energy flux jets display an isotropic ion distribution with lower overall density. High-energy thermal or cosmic-ray jets pressurize at smaller radii, significantly suppressing core density. The cosmic-ray jet provides extra pressure support, extending cool and warm gas distribution. A break in the ion-to-mass ratio slope in Ovi and Oviii is demonstrated in the ISM-to-circumgalactic medium (CGM) transition (between 10 and 30 kpc), growing smoothly toward the CGM at greater distances.Free, publicly-accessible full text available December 1, 2025 -
ABSTRACT We present predictions for the high-redshift halo–galaxy–supermassive black hole (SMBH) connection from the Trinity model. Matching a comprehensive compilation of galaxy (0 ≤ z ≤ 13) and SMBH data sets (0 ≤ z ≤ 6.5), Trinity finds: (1) The number of SMBHs with M• > 109 M⊙ in the observable Universe increases by five orders of magnitude from z ∼ 10 to z ∼ 2, and by another factor of ∼3 from z ∼ 2 to z = 0; (2) The M• > 109 and 1010 M⊙ SMBHs at z ∼ 6 live in haloes with ∼(2 − 3) and (3 − 5) × 1012 M⊙; (3) the newly discovered JWST AGN candidates at 7 ≲ z ≲ 11 are overmassive compared to the intrinsic SMBH mass–galaxy mass relation from Trinity, but they are still broadly consistent with Trinity predictions for flux limited AGN samples with Lauer bias. This bias favours the detection for overmassive SMBHs due to higher luminosities at a fixed Eddington ratio. However UHZ1’s M•/M* ratio is still some 1 dex higher than Trinity AGNs, indicating a discrepancy; (4) Trinity underpredicts the number densities of GN-z11 and CEERS_1019 analogues. But given the strong constraints from existing data in Trinity, the extra constraint from GN-z11 and CEERS_1019 does not significantly change trinity model results. (5) z = 6–10 quasar luminosity functions will reduce uncertainties in the trinity prediction of the z = 6–10 SMBH mass–galaxy mass relation by up to ∼0.5 dex. These luminosity functions will be available with future telescopes, such as Roman and Euclid.
Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 14, 2025 -
Abstract Using cosmological hydrodynamical zoom-in simulations, we explore the properties of subhalos in Milky Way analogs that contain a subcomponent of atomic dark matter (ADM). ADM differs from cold dark matter (CDM) due to the presence of self-interactions that lead to energy dissipation, analogous to standard model baryons. This model can arise in dark sectors that are natural and theoretically motivated extensions to the standard model. The simulations used in this work were carried out using
GIZMO and utilize the FIRE-2 galaxy formation physics in the standard model baryonic sector. For the parameter points we consider, the ADM gas cools efficiently, allowing it to collapse to the center of subhalos. This increases a subhalo’s central density and affects its orbit, with more subhalos surviving small pericentric passages. The subset of subhalos that host satellite galaxies have cuspier density profiles and smaller stellar half-mass radii relative to CDM. The entire population of dwarf galaxies produced in the ADM simulations is more compact than those seen in CDM simulations, unable to reproduce the entire diversity of observed dwarf galaxy structures. Additionally, we also identify a population of highly compact subhalos that consist nearly entirely of ADM and form in the central region of the host, where they can leave distinctive imprints in the baryonic disk. This work presents the first detailed exploration of subhalo properties in a strongly dissipative dark matter scenario, providing intuition for how other regions of ADM parameter space, as well as other dark sector models, would impact galactic-scale observables. -
Free, publicly-accessible full text available March 14, 2025
Recently, we demonstrated self-consistent formation of strongly-magnetized quasar accretion disks (QADs) from cosmological radiation-magnetohydrodynamic-thermochemical galaxy-star formation simulations, including the full STARFORGE physics shown previously to produce a reasonable IMF under typical ISM conditions. Here we study star formation and the stellar IMF in QADs, on scales from 100 au to 10 pc from the SMBH. We show it is critical to include physics often previously neglected, including magnetic fields, radiation, and (proto)stellar feedback. Closer to the SMBH, star formation is suppressed, but the (rare) stars that do form exhibit top-heavy IMFs. Stars can form only in special locations (e.g. magnetic field switches) in the outer QAD. Protostars accrete their natal cores rapidly but then dynamically decouple from the gas and ‘wander,’ ceasing accretion on timescales ~100 yr. Their jets control initial core accretion, but the ejecta are ‘swept up’ into the larger-scale QAD flow without much dynamical effect. The strong tidal environment strongly suppresses common-core multiplicity. The IMF shape depends sensitively on un-resolved dynamics of protostellar disks (PSDs), as the global dynamical times can become incredibly short (< yr) and tidal fields are incredibly strong, so whether PSDs can efficiently transport angular momentum or fragment catastrophically at <10 au scales requires novel PSD simulations to properly address. Most analytic IMF models and analogies with planet formation in PSDs fail qualitatively to explain the simulation IMFs, though we discuss a couple of viable models.