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Assuming the Unique Games Conjecture (UGC), the best approximation ratio that can be obtained in polynomial time for the MAX CUT problem is αCUT ≃ 0.87856, obtained by the celebrated SDP-based approximation algorithm of Goemans and Williamson. The currently best approximation algorithm for MAX DI-CUT, i.e., the MAX CUT problem in directed graphs, achieves a ratio of about 0.87401, leaving open the question whether MAX DI-CUT can be approximated as well as MAX CUT. We obtain a slightly improved algorithm for MAX DI-CUT and a new UGC-hardness result for it, showing that 0.87446 ≤ αDI-CUT ≤ 0.87461, where αDI-CUT is the best approximation ratio that can be obtained in polynomial time for MAX DI-CUT under UGC. The new upper bound separates MAX DI-CUT from MAX CUT, resolving a question raised by Feige and Goemans. A natural generalization of MAX DI-CUT is the MAX 2-AND problem in which each constraint is of the form z1∧z2, where z1 and z2 are literals, i.e., variables or their negations (In MAX DI-CUT each constraint is of the form \neg{x1}∧x2, where x1 and x2 are variables.) Austrin separated MAX 2-AND from MAX CUT by showing that α2AND < 0.87435 and conjectured that MAX 2-AND and MAX DI-CUT have the same approximation ratio. Our new lower bound on MAX DI-CUT refutes this conjecture, completing the separation of the three problems MAX 2-AND, MAX DI-CUT and MAX CUT. We also obtain a new lower bound for MAX 2-AND, showing that 0.87414 ≤ α2AND ≤ 0.87435. Our upper bound on MAX DI-CUT is achieved via a simple, analytical proof. The lower bounds on MAX DI-CUT and MAX 2-AND (the new approximation algorithms) use experimentally-discovered distributions of rounding functions which are then verified via computer-assisted proofs.more » « less
We prove that unary Sherali-Adams requires proofs of size n^Ω(d) to rule out the existence o f an n^Θ(1)-clique in Erdős-Rényi random graphs whose maximum clique is of size d ≤ 2log n. This lower bound is tight up to the multiplicative constant in the exponent. We obtain this result by introducing a technique inspired by pseudo-calibration which may be of independent interest. The technique involves defining a measure on monomials that precisely captures the contribution of a monomial to a refutation . This measure intuitively captures progress and should have further applications in proof complexity.more » « less
Given independent standard Gaussian points v1, . . . , vn in dimension d, for what values of (n, d) does there exist with high probability an origin-symmetric ellipsoid that simultaneously passes through all of the points? This basic problem of fitting an ellipsoid to random points has connections to low-rank matrix decompositions, independent component analysis, and principal component analysis. Based on strong numerical evidence, Saunderson, Parrilo, and Willsky (Saunderson, 2011; Saunderson et al., 2013) conjectured that the ellipsoid fitting problem transitions from feasible to infeasible as the number of points n increases, with a sharp threshold at n ∼ d^2/4. We resolve this conjecture up to logarithmic factors by constructing a fitting ellipsoid for some n = d^2/polylog(d). Our proof demonstrates feasibility of the least squares construction of (Saunderson, 2011; Saunderson et al., 2013) using a convenient decomposition of a certain non-standard random matrix and a careful analysis of its Neumann expansion via the theory of graph matrices.more » « less
Etessami, Kousha ; Feige, Uriel ; Puppis, Gabriele (Ed.)In [Saunderson, 2011; Saunderson et al., 2013], Saunderson, Parrilo, and Willsky asked the following elegant geometric question: what is the largest m = m(d) such that there is an ellipsoid in ℝ^d that passes through v_1, v_2, …, v_m with high probability when the v_is are chosen independently from the standard Gaussian distribution N(0,I_d)? The existence of such an ellipsoid is equivalent to the existence of a positive semidefinite matrix X such that v_i^⊤ X v_i = 1 for every 1 ⩽ i ⩽ m - a natural example of a random semidefinite program. SPW conjectured that m = (1-o(1)) d²/4 with high probability. Very recently, Potechin, Turner, Venkat and Wein [Potechin et al., 2022] and Kane and Diakonikolas [Kane and Diakonikolas, 2022] proved that m ≳ d²/polylog(d) via a certain natural, explicit construction. In this work, we give a substantially tighter analysis of their construction to prove that m ≳ d²/C for an absolute constant C > 0. This resolves one direction of the SPW conjecture up to a constant. Our analysis proceeds via the method of Graphical Matrix Decomposition that has recently been used to analyze correlated random matrices arising in various areas [Barak et al., 2019; Bafna et al., 2022]. Our key new technical tool is a refined method to prove singular value upper bounds on certain correlated random matrices that are tight up to absolute dimension-independent constants. In contrast, all previous methods that analyze such matrices lose logarithmic factors in the dimension.more » « less
We determine the sixth moment of the determinant of an asymmetric n×n random matrix where the entries are drawn independently from an arbitrary distribution Ω over R with mean 0. Furthermore, we derive the asymptotic behavior of the sixth moment of the determinant as the size of the matrix tends to infinity.more » « less
Given a graph and an integer k, Densest k-Subgraph is the algorithmic task of finding the subgraph on k vertices with the maximum number of edges. This is a fundamental problem that has been subject to intense study for decades, with applications spanning a wide variety of fields. The state-of-the-art algorithm is an O(n^{1/4+ϵ})-factor approximation (for any ϵ>0) due to Bhaskara et al. [STOC '10]. Moreover, the so-called log-density framework predicts that this is optimal, i.e. it is impossible for an efficient algorithm to achieve an O(n^{1/4−ϵ})-factor approximation. In the average case, Densest k-Subgraph is a prototypical noisy inference task which is conjectured to exhibit a statistical-computational gap. In this work, we provide the strongest evidence yet of hardness for Densest k-Subgraph by showing matching lower bounds against the powerful Sum-of-Squares (SoS) algorithm, a meta-algorithm based on convex programming that achieves state-of-art algorithmic guarantees for many optimization and inference problems. For k ≤ n^1/2, we obtain a degree n^δ SoS lower bound for the hard regime as predicted by the log-density framework. To show this, we utilize the modern framework for proving SoS lower bounds on average-case problems pioneered by Barak et al. [FOCS '16]. A key issue is that small denser-than-average subgraphs in the input will greatly affect the value of the candidate pseudo-expectation operator around the subgraph. To handle this challenge, we devise a novel matrix factorization scheme based on the positive minimum vertex separator. We then prove an intersection tradeoff lemma to show that the error terms when using this separator are indeed small.more » « less
Principal Components Analysis (PCA) is a dimension-reduction technique widely used in machine learning and statistics. However, due to the dependence of the principal components on all the dimensions, the components are notoriously hard to interpret. Therefore, a variant known as sparse PCA is often preferred. Sparse PCA learns principal components of the data but enforces that such components must be sparse. This has applications in diverse fields such as computational biology and image processing. To learn sparse principal components, it’s well known that standard PCA will not work, especially in high dimensions, and therefore algorithms for sparse PCA are often studied as a separate endeavor. Various algorithms have been proposed for Sparse PCA over the years, but given how fundamental it is for applications in science, the limits of efficient algorithms are only partially understood. In this work, we study the limits of the powerful Sum of Squares (SoS) family of algorithms for Sparse PCA. SoS algorithms have recently revolutionized robust statistics, leading to breakthrough algorithms for long-standing open problems in machine learning, such as optimally learning mixtures of gaussians, robust clustering, robust regression, etc. Moreover, it is believed to be the optimal robust algorithm for many statistical problems. Therefore, for sparse PCA, it’s plausible that it can beat simpler algorithms such as diagonal thresholding that have been traditionally used. In this work, we show that this is not the case, by exhibiting strong tradeoffs between the number of samples required, the sparsity and the ambient dimension, for which SoS algorithms, even if allowed sub-exponential time, will fail to optimally recover the component. Our results are complemented by known algorithms in literature, thereby painting an almost complete picture of the behavior of efficient algorithms for sparse PCA. Since SoS algorithms encapsulate many algorithmic techniques such as spectral or statistical query algorithms, this solidifies the message that known algorithms are optimal for sparse PCA. Moreover, our techniques are strong enough to obtain similar tradeoffs for Tensor PCA, another important higher order variant of PCA with applications in topic modeling, video processing, etc.more » « less