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Safety and performance are key enablers for autonomous driving: on the one hand we want our autonomous vehicles (AVs) to be safe, while at the same time, their performance (e.g., comfort or progression) is key to adoption. To effectively walk the tight-rope between safety and performance, AVs need to be risk-averse, but not entirely risk-avoidant. To facilitate safe-yet-performant driving, in this paper, we develop a task-aware risk estimator that assesses the risk a perception failure poses to the AV's motion plan. If the failure has no bearing on the safety of the AV's motion plan, then regardless of how egregious the perception failure is, our task-aware risk estimator considers the failure to have a low risk; on the other hand, if a seemingly benign perception failure severely impacts the motion plan, then our estimator considers it to have a high risk. In this paper, we propose a task-aware risk estimator to decide whether a safety maneuver needs to be triggered. To estimate the task-aware risk, first, we leverage the perception failure - detected by a perception monitor - to synthesize an alternative plausible model for the vehicle's surroundings. The risk due to the perception failure is then formalized as the "relative" risk to the AV's motion plan between the perceived and the alternative plausible scenario. We employ a statistical tool called copula, which models tail dependencies between distributions, to estimate this risk. The theoretical properties of the copula allow us to compute probably approximately correct (PAC) estimates of the risk. We evaluate our task-aware risk estimator using NuPlan and compare it with established baselines, showing that the proposed risk estimator achieves the best F1-score (doubling the score of the best baseline) and exhibits a good balance between recall and precision, i.e., a good balance of safety and performance.more » « less
Real-world robotics applications demand object pose estimation methods that work reliably across a variety of scenarios. Modern learning-based approaches require large labeled datasets and tend to perform poorly outside the training domain. Our first contribution is to develop a robust corrector module that corrects pose estimates using depth information, thus enabling existing methods to better generalize to new test domains; the corrector operates on semantic keypoints (but is also applicable to other pose estimators) and is fully differentiable. Our second contribution is an ensemble self-training approach that simultaneously trains multiple pose estimators in a self-supervised manner. Our ensemble self-training architecture uses the robust corrector to refine the output of each pose estimator; then, it evaluates the quality of the outputs using observable correctness certificates; finally, it uses the observably correct outputs for further training, without requiring external supervision. As an additional contribution, we propose small improvements to a regression-based keypoint detection architecture, to enhance its robustness to outliers; these improvements include a robust pooling scheme and a robust centroid computation. Experiments on the YCBV and TLESS datasets show the proposed ensemble self-training outperforms fully supervised baselines while not requiring 3D annotations on real data.more » « less
We consider a category-level perception problem, where one is given 3D sensor data picturing an object of a given category (e.g., a car), and has to reconstruct the pose and shape of the object despite intra-class variability (i.e., different car models have different shapes). We consider an active shape model, where —for an object category— we are given a library of potential CAD models describing objects in that category, and we adopt a standard formulation where pose and shape estimation are formulated as a non-convex optimization. Our first contribution is to provide the first certifiably optimal solver for pose and shape estimation. In particular, we show that rotation estimation can be decoupled from the estimation of the object translation and shape, and we demonstrate that (i) the optimal object rotation can be computed via a tight (small-size) semidefinite relaxation, and (ii) the translation and shape parameters can be computed in closed-form given the rotation. Our second contribution is to add an outlier rejection layer to our solver, hence making it robust to a large number of misdetections. Towards this goal, we wrap our optimal solver in a robust estimation scheme based on graduated non-convexity. To further enhance robustness to outliers, we also develop the first graph-theoretic formulation to prune outliers in category-level perception, which removes outliers via convex hull and maximum clique computations; the resulting approach is robust to 70 − 90% outliers. Our third contribution is an extensive experimental evaluation. Besides providing an ablation study on a simulated dataset and on the PASCAL3D+ dataset, we combine our solver with a deep-learned keypoint detector, and show that the resulting approach improves over the state of the art in vehicle pose estimation in the ApolloScape datasets.more » « less