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Title: ORIGIN: Non-Rigid Network Alignment
Network alignment is a fundamental task in many high-impact applications. Most of the existing approaches either explicitly or implicitly consider the alignment matrix as a linear transformation to map one network to another, and might overlook the complicated alignment relationship across networks. On the other hand, node representation learning based alignment methods are hampered by the incomparability among the node representations of different networks. In this paper, we propose a unified semi-supervised deep model (ORIGIN) that simultaneously finds the non-rigid network alignment and learns node representations in multiple networks in a mutually beneficial way. The key idea is to learn node representations by the effective graph convolutional networks, which subsequently enable us to formulate network alignment as a point set alignment problem. The proposed method offers two distinctive advantages. First (node representations), unlike the existing graph convolutional networks that aggregate the node information within a single network, we can effectively aggregate the auxiliary information from multiple sources, achieving far-reaching node representations. Second (network alignment), guided by the highquality node representations, our proposed non-rigid point set alignment approach overcomes the bottleneck of the linear transformation assumption. We conduct extensive experiments that demonstrate the proposed non-rigid alignment method is (1) effective, outperforming both the state-of-the-art linear transformation-based methods and node representation based methods, and (2) efficient, with a comparable computational time between the proposed multi-network representation learning component and its single-network counterpart.  more » « less
Award ID(s):
1947135 1651203 1715385 1743040 2003924
Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ; ; ;
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Page Range / eLocation ID:
998 to 1007
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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