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Award ID contains: 1838139

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  1. Free, publicly-accessible full text available February 25, 2025
  2. We study the problem of machine unlearning and identify a notion of algorithmic stability, Total Variation (TV) stability, which we argue, is suitable for the goal of exact unlearning. For convex risk minimization problems, we design TV-stable algorithms based on noisy Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD). Our key contribution is the design of corresponding efficient unlearning algorithms, which are based on constructing a near-maximal coupling of Markov chains for the noisy SGD procedure. To understand the trade-offs between accuracy and unlearning efficiency, we give upper and lower bounds on excess empirical and populations risk of TV stable algorithms for convex risk minimization. Our techniques generalize to arbitrary non-convex functions, and our algorithms are differentially private as well. 
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  3. We investigate the robustness of stochastic approximation approaches against data poisoning attacks. We focus on two-layer neural networks with ReLU activation and show that under a specific notion of separability in the RKHS induced by the infinite-width network, training (finite-width) networks with stochastic gradient descent is robust against data poisoning attacks. Interestingly, we find that in addition to a lower bound on the width of the network, which is standard in the literature, we also require a distribution-dependent upper bound on the width for robust generalization. We provide extensive empirical evaluations that support and validate our theoretical results. 
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  4. We study the problem of corralling stochastic bandit algorithms, that is combining multiple bandit algorithms designed for a stochastic environment, with the goal of devising a corralling algorithm that performs almost as well as the best base algorithm. We give two general algorithms for this setting, which we show benefit from favorable regret guarantees. We show that the regret of the corralling algorithms is no worse than that of the best algorithm containing the arm with the highest reward, and depends on the gap between the highest reward and other rewards. 
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  5. We investigate the capacity control provided by dropout in various machine learning problems. First, we study dropout for matrix completion, where it induces a distribution-dependent regularizer that equals the weighted trace-norm of the product of the factors. In deep learning, we show that the distribution-dependent regularizer due to dropout directly controls the Rademacher complexity of the underlying class of deep neural networks. These developments enable us to give concrete generalization error bounds for the dropout algorithm in both matrix completion as well as training deep neural networks. 
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  6. We perform a rigorous study of private matrix analysis when only the last 𝑊 updates to matrices are considered useful for analysis. We show the existing framework in the non-private setting is not robust to noise required for privacy. We then propose a framework robust to noise and use it to give first efficient 𝑜(𝑊) space differentially private algorithms for spectral approximation, principal component analysis (PCA), multi-response linear regression, sparse PCA, and non-negative PCA. Prior to our work, no such result was known for sparse and non-negative differentially private PCA even in the static data setting. We also give a lower bound to demonstrate the cost of privacy in the sliding window model. 
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