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  1. Krause, Andreas and (Ed.)
    Behavior constrained policy optimization has been demonstrated to be a successful paradigm for tackling Offline Reinforcement Learning. By exploiting historical transitions, a policy is trained to maximize a learned value function while constrained by the behavior policy to avoid a significant distributional shift. In this paper, we propose our closed-form policy improvement operators. We make a novel observation that the behavior constraint naturally motivates the use of first-order Taylor approximation, leading to a linear approximation of the policy objective. Additionally, as practical datasets are usually collected by heterogeneous policies, we model the behavior policies as a Gaussian Mixture and overcome the induced optimization difficulties by leveraging the LogSumExp’s lower bound and Jensen’s Inequality, giving rise to a closed-form policy improvement operator. We instantiate both one-step and iterative offline RL algorithms with our novel policy improvement operators and empirically demonstrate their effectiveness over state-of-the-art algorithms on the standard D4RL benchmark. Our code is available at 
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  2. Krause, Andreas and (Ed.)
    General function approximation is a powerful tool to handle large state and action spaces in a broad range of reinforcement learning (RL) scenarios. However, theoretical understanding of non-stationary MDPs with general function approximation is still limited. In this paper, we make the first such an attempt. We first propose a new complexity metric called dynamic Bellman Eluder (DBE) dimension for non-stationary MDPs, which subsumes majority of existing tractable RL problems in static MDPs as well as non-stationary MDPs. Based on the proposed complexity metric, we propose a novel confidence-set based model-free algorithm called SW-OPEA, which features a sliding window mechanism and a new confidence set design for non-stationary MDPs. We then establish an upper bound on the dynamic regret for the proposed algorithm, and show that SW-OPEA is provably efficient as long as the variation budget is not significantly large. We further demonstrate via examples of non-stationary linear and tabular MDPs that our algorithm performs better in small variation budget scenario than the existing UCB-type algorithms. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first dynamic regret analysis in non-stationary MDPs with general function approximation. 
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  3. Krause, Andreas and (Ed.)
    We consider the problem of global optimization with noisy zeroth order oracles — a well-motivated problem useful for various applications ranging from hyper-parameter tuning for deep learning to new material design. Existing work relies on Gaussian processes or other non-parametric family, which suffers from the curse of dimensionality. In this paper, we propose a new algorithm GO-UCB that leverages a parametric family of functions (e.g., neural networks) instead. Under a realizable assumption and a few other mild geometric conditions, we show that GO-UCB achieves a cumulative regret of $\tilde{O}(\sqrt{T})$ where $T$ is the time horizon. At the core of GO-UCB is a carefully designed uncertainty set over parameters based on gradients that allows optimistic exploration. Synthetic and real-world experiments illustrate GO-UCB works better than popular Bayesian optimization approaches, even if the model is misspecified. 
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  4. Krause, Andreas and (Ed.)
    We provide a theoretical framework for Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF). We show that when the underlying true reward is linear, under both Bradley-Terry-Luce (BTL) model (pairwise comparison) and Plackett-Luce (PL) model ($K$-wise comparison), MLE converges under certain semi-norm for the family of linear reward. On the other hand, when training a policy based on the learned reward model, we show that MLE fails while a pessimistic MLE provides policies with good performance under certain coverage assumption. We also show that under the PL model, both the true MLE and a different MLE which splits the $K$-wise comparison into pairwise comparisons converge, while the true MLE is asymptotically more efficient. Our results validate the empirical success of the existing RLHF algorithms, and provide new insights for algorithm design. Our analysis can also be applied for the problem of online RLHF and inverse reinforcement learning. 
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  5. Krause, Andreas (Ed.)
    The Private Aggregation of Teacher Ensembles (PATE) framework is one of the most promising recent approaches in differentially private learning. Existing theoretical analysis shows that PATE consistently learns any VC-classes in the realizable setting, but falls short in explaining its success in more general cases where the error rate of the optimal classifier is bounded away from zero. We fill in this gap by introducing the Tsybakov Noise Condition (TNC) and establish stronger and more interpretable learning bounds. These bounds provide new insights into when PATE works and improve over existing results even in the narrower realizable setting. We also investigate the compelling idea of using active learning for saving privacy budget, and empirical studies show the effectiveness of this new idea. The novel components in the proofs include a more refined analysis of the majority voting classifier — which could be of independent interest — and an observation that the synthetic “student” learning problem is nearly realizable by construction under the Tsybakov noise condition. 
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  6. Krause, Andreas ; Brunskill, Emma ; Cho, Kyunghyun ; Engelhardt, Barbara ; Sabato, Sivan ; Scarlett, Jonathan (Ed.)
    Transfer operators provide a rich framework for representing the dynamics of very general, nonlinear dynamical systems. When interacting with reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (RKHS), descriptions of dynamics often incur prohibitive data storage requirements, motivating dataset sparsification as a precursory step to computation. Further, in practice, data is available in the form of trajectories, introducing correlation between samples. In this work, we present a method for sparse learning of transfer operators from $\beta$-mixing stochastic processes, in both discrete and continuous time, and provide sample complexity analysis extending existing theoretical guarantees for learning from non-sparse, i.i.d. data. In addressing continuous-time settings, we develop precise descriptions using covariance-type operators for the infinitesimal generator that aids in the sample complexity analysis. We empirically illustrate the efficacy of our sparse embedding approach through deterministic and stochastic nonlinear system examples. 
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  7. Krause, Andreas ; Brunskill, Emma ; Cho, Kyunghyun ; Engelhardt, Barbara ; Sabato, Sivan ; Scarlett, Jonathan (Ed.)
    Differentiable Search Index is a recently proposed paradigm for document retrieval, that encodes information about a corpus of documents within the parameters of a neural network and directly maps queries to corresponding documents. These models have achieved state-of-the-art performances for document retrieval across many benchmarks. These kinds of models have a significant limitation: it is not easy to add new documents after a model is trained. We propose IncDSI, a method to add documents in real time (about 20-50ms per document), without retraining the model on the entire dataset (or even parts thereof). Instead we formulate the addition of documents as a constrained optimization problem that makes minimal changes to the network parameters. Although orders of magnitude faster, our approach is competitive with re-training the model on the whole dataset and enables the development of document retrieval systems that can be updated with new information in real-time. Our code for IncDSI is available at \href{}{}. 
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  8. Krause, Andreas ; Brunskill, Emma ; Cho, Kyunghyun ; Engelhardt, Barbara ; Sabato, Sivan ; Scarlett, Jonathan (Ed.)
    We consider the problem of estimating the optimal transport map between two probability distributions, P and Q in R^d, on the basis of i.i.d. samples. All existing statistical analyses of this problem require the assumption that the transport map is Lipschitz, a strong requirement that, in particular, excludes any examples where the transport map is discontinuous. As a first step towards developing estimation procedures for discontinuous maps, we consider the important special case where the data distribution Q is a discrete measure supported on a finite number of points in R^d. We study a computationally efficient estimator initially proposed by Pooladian & Niles-Weed (2021), based on entropic optimal transport, and show in the semi-discrete setting that it converges at the minimax-optimal rate n^{−1/2}, independent of dimension. Other standard map estimation techniques both lack finite-sample guarantees in this setting and provably suffer from the curse of dimensionality. We confirm these results in numerical experiments, and provide experiments for other settings, not covered by our theory, which indicate that the entropic estimator is a promising methodology for other discontinuous transport map estimation problems. 
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  9. Krause, Andreas ; Brunskill, Emma ; Cho, Kyunghyun ; Engelhardt, Barbara ; Sabato, Sivan ; Scarlett, Jonathan. (Ed.)
    The parameter space for any fixed architecture of feedforward ReLU neural networks serves as a proxy during training for the associated class of functions - but how faithful is this representation? It is known that many different parameter settings $\theta$ can determine the same function $f$. Moreover, the degree of this redundancy is inhomogeneous: for some networks, the only symmetries are permutation of neurons in a layer and positive scaling of parameters at a neuron, while other networks admit additional hidden symmetries. In this work, we prove that, for any network architecture where no layer is narrower than the input, there exist parameter settings with no hidden symmetries. We also describe a number of mechanisms through which hidden symmetries can arise, and empirically approximate the functional dimension of different network architectures at initialization. These experiments indicate that the probability that a network has no hidden symmetries decreases towards 0 as depth increases, while increasing towards 1 as width and input dimension increase. 
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  10. Krause, Andreas ; Brunskill, Emma_Patricia ; Cho, Kyunghyun ; Engelhardt, Barbara_Elizabeth ; Sabato, Sivan ; Scarlett, Jonathan (Ed.)
    Real-world data can be multimodal distributed, e.g., data describing the opinion divergence in a community, the interspike interval distribution of neurons, and the oscillators' natural frequencies. Generating multimodal distributed real-world data has become a challenge to existing generative adversarial networks (GANs). For example, it is often observed that Neural SDEs have only demonstrated successful performance mainly in generating unimodal time series datasets. In this paper, we propose a novel time series generator, named directed chain GANs (DC-GANs), which inserts a time series dataset (called a neighborhood process of the directed chain or input) into the drift and diffusion coefficients of the directed chain SDEs with distributional constraints. DC-GANs can generate new time series of the same distribution as the neighborhood process, and the neighborhood process will provide the key step in learning and generating multimodal distributed time series. The proposed DC-GANs are examined on four datasets, including two stochastic models from social sciences and computational neuroscience, and two real-world datasets on stock prices and energy consumption. To our best knowledge, DC-GANs are the first work that can generate multimodal time series data and consistently outperforms state-of-the-art benchmarks with respect to measures of distribution, data similarity, and predictive ability. 
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